Little do you know

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Emily's POV
After infinity left I went to the bunk area and I clim into jakes bunk and get on my computer. I plug in my headphones and turn on some music. I sigh and close my eyes and think about what infinity said. 'You would never hurt us' little did she know that I could. I was diagnosed with being partly insane after my sister died. Yeah from time to time I have my crazy moments but I have learnt to control it. Yeah I once heard the little voices one but I murdered them in my head. I stabbed someone I used to know but no one knows about that. My insanity was getting bad lately. It's like remembering creepypasta made my insanity worse. I sigh and turn my back to the curtain so I'm facing the wall. I soon felt someone put their arms around me. I went to scream then I remember the arms perfectly. It was just Jake. I turn around and kiss him. Jake took out my headphones and I laid my head of his chest. "Ok tell me what's wrong" Jake said. "Jake theirs something I need to tell you" I say and sigh. "Please don't be breaking up with me" Jake whispered. "oh god no. I could never leave you. But Jake....... Theirs a secret that no one knows that I need to tell you...... After my sister died" I say and take a deep breath. "I was diagnosed as partly insane" I say. I was so scared to tell him. "Would you hurt me? Or the guys? Or infinity?" Jake asked. "God no...... But IT might" I say. "Then that's all I care about. If you don't hurt me the guys or infinity OR yourself then I don't give a crap. Yeah now I understand why your anger problems are so bad. But it doesn't matter to me" Jake said. I smile and hug Jake. "Ok come on. Let's go ask the guys what they want for dinner because I'm staving" Jake said while getting out of his bunk. "Me to" I say and close my laptop and Jake helped me out. We walked into the main part of the bus. "What do you guys want for dinner" I ask and sit next to CC. "How about pizza?" Andy asked. "Sure." Me and the guys say in sync. The was weird. I stand up and grab my phone. We walk out and we decided to just walk to the nearest pizza place. Suddenly I saw something standing by a corner watching me. I look at it and it vanished. Oh shit. The shadows are back. I pull out my phone and text Jake. "Jake my insanity is starting to make me see shadows" I say in the text and sent it to him. I watchc Jake check his phone. He looked up at me and mouthed "it will be ok" Jake said. I see a shadow about to grab Jake then it disappeared. Oh god...... Just breath in and out. I can do this. Once we got in I immediately walked over to Jake. I could see a group of shadows watching me. Like they were scared of Jake. Wait... Scared of him? They aren't scared of anything. Suddenly all of them were gone. Jake tapped on my shoulder to let me know we were going to our table. "Emily you look like you just saw your dead family. What's wrong?" Ashley asked. "Do you all really want to know?" I ask. I already told Jake and he accepted me so why wouldn't the guys. We get say down. "Now tell us what's wrong" Ashley said. "I was diagnosed with being partly insane" I say. "Wait.... Partly insane?" Jinxx asked. "I'm half crazy and half normal. And full insane people are like my insane side but for me I have a normal side that calls me a freak for all the stuff my insane side thinks. So when I start seeing stuff it's like a constant war between them. That's how it was described to me" I say. The guys just sat their. "Well that's cool to me. Your different. Your not normal" Jinxx said. "Exactly" I say. Soon we ordered then we walked back to the bus. When we were close to the bus I heard a loud Noise that sounded exactly like rubber skidding. I turn around and see a car driving really fast. I quickly grab CC and Ashley who were behind me. I pushed them in front of me. As soon as I thought I was gunna be hit by the car someone pulled me back. I look up and see Jake and Andy who pulled me back.  I quickly stand up and hold onto Jake. "OH MY GOD JAKE. I ALMOST GOT HIT" I yell while crying. I could hear that the guys were so stunned. I look at Andy and hug him. "Thank you andy" I say. I walk over to jake and hold onto him. Jake picked me up and carried me the rest of the way. I was horrified. It was exactly like what happened to my sister but sadly no one pulled her back. Once we got in the bus Jake sat me in the main area. CC sat next to me. "You ok?" CC asked. "Yeah just kinda startled..... Because the same thing happened to my sister." I say and sigh. CC grabbed my hand. "Emily it will be ok. I mean you got me Andy Ashley and Jinxx that are like brothers to you. And Jake that is in love with you. You'll be ok. No matter what medical illness you have or horrific past. You will always have us" CC said. "Wow CC. Why did you haft to make that so emotional" I say and wipe away a tear and suddenly someone smacks a handful of whipped cream in my face. I wipe it off my eyes and throw it at CC. I get up and run before CC could catch me. I lock myself in the bathroom. I decided to take a shower. Once I get out and put a towel around me I text Jake and ask Jake to bring me some clothes. Soon I heard a knock on the door and I open it a little and see Jake holding some clothes. "Here you go babe" Jake said. "Thank you" I say and close the door. I change into a all black shirt and black leggings and put on some socks. I dry my hair and brush it. I walk out and walk into the main area. I see all the guys expect for Jake. "Hey where's.." Before I could finish my sentence Andy pointed to the back of the bus. I walk to the back lounge and open the the door and I see Jake sitting their practicing his guitar. "Hey" I say and close the door and sit next to him. "Is that the guitar I gave you?" I ask. "Yeah. After you left this was the only guitar I used. It was like I still had a pice of you with me" Jake said. I giggle a little. I watch Jake practice and soon I see a shadow sitting in the corner of the room. Just remember it's all in my head. Jake finish practicing and put the guitar back on its case. "So how are you since what happened earlier" Jake asked trying not to say the wrong thing. "I'm fine. Just trying to not think of it. It all happened so fast. How did you pull me back so fast?" I ask. "Everything froze for me in that moment. Like time itself hade stopped." Jake said. "I'm just thankful that I still get to be here with you" I say. Jake grabbed my hand and pulled off my dads wedding ring agin and put it on. "Jake give it back" I say and try to reach for the ring. Suddenly Jake kissed me. I smile and pull away and pull off the ring. "Have fun practicing" I say and walk out while putting my dads ring back on. I walk to the main bus area and sit next to Andy. "Let's watch batman" I say and everyone else groaned. "Ok stop smiling like that. Your starting to look like the joker" Andy said. Soon everyone went to bed and I was the only one awake. I stand up and make me a bowl of cereal. I sit down and my phone buzzed. "What are you doing?" Jake texted me and asked. "Eating cereal" I text Jake, "what would you do if I was next to you?" Jake said. "Still eating cereal" I say and laugh. I soon finish my cereal then turn off everything and walk to the bunks. I climb up to jakes bunk and curl up next to him. "Good night Jake" I say. "Good night my love" Jake said. I pull off my dads ring and put it on Jake. "Keep this one till we get each other real ones" I say in jakes ear. Jake pulled me closer to him. I slowly fall asleep.

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