Sit and stay = go and get captured

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Nakomis's P.O.V

Most of the pastas were in the living room watching 'Alien' (hello i'm ripely jr. and i am a badass). Brooklyn had fallen asleep on Masky at some point and Ben and I made bets on who would die first, second, and so forth. We watched as Brett got pulled into the air duct by the alien, "Pay up," Ben murmurs and I handed him a dollar. Brooklyn suddenly shot up and screamed, "Nathalie!!"

I jumped and whirled at her, "Brooklyn what the---?!" But my voice fell deaf to her ears. She got off the couch and raced to the door. We sat there shocked for a moment, before Masky and Hoodie got up and raced to the door as well, soon we all followed. 

"Master!" I cried stopping at the stairway. He and Master Slender got to the top and I rushed an explanation, "Brooklyn screamed, something happened to Nathalie." Ben grabbed my hand and teleported us away. 

We arrived at a clearing, Brooklyn was already there looking at everything in a daze. I began to worry, "Brooklyn?" I whispered walking closer to her. I notice her whole body shaking, Masky and Hoodie looked like they were trying to figure out something, I rolled my eyes and walked to her and wrapped her in my arms. The boys masks just starred at me, "Sometimes a girl just knows what a girl wants," I stated and hug her closer, they just kept starring at me, "Honestly, how does she understand them?" I thought and focused back on Brooklyn, "Come on Brookie what's wrong? Speak to me." I ask and gently rub her back, her whole body was still shaking and she finally spoke, 

"She's gone."  


Ben's P.O.V

Splendorman and Slenderman ordered us all to go back to the house and await further orders. They would stay and try and figure out what happened, but we all knew. 

Nathalie and Jeff had been kidnapped.

I watched Nakomis and Brooklyn walk back, they were hugging each other close. I didn't dare get near them and either did Masky and Hoodie, I think we understood that Nathalie and the girls had been friends forever, no. More than friends, sisters. And Nakomis and Brooklyn just lost one.

It got worse when we got back. Tepes was waiting at the steps, along with Trenderman and Offender, "Mathair? Auntie 'Komis? What's wrong, where is Auntie Nathalie?" In that moment I saw great weakness. Both Nakomis and Brooklyn fell to their knees and held Tepes close.

E.J went over to the newly arrived brothers and explained the recent events, Offender nodded in understanding, "Yeah, a few of my sexy scouters went missing from their posts near the realm's borders, just last night."

Brooklyn slow got up, picking up Tepes as well and brought him into the house. Nakomis just sat there starring into nothing. When suddenly.

"GOD DAMN IT!" She cried and darted into the forest. "Shit," I thought and flew after her. 


Nakomis's P.O.V

"Nathalie is gone! She's gone damn it!" My thoughts screamed as I ran further into the woods, why had she and Jeff gone out?! Didn't they realize how stupid going out right now was?! 

I stopped up short, "Wait, isn't that what I'm doing?" I looked around, I sighed and walked over to a tree, and began banging my head on it.

"Nakomis!" I heard Ben cry.

"Nakomis, Ben!" I heard two more voices ring out, Masky and hoodie?

Ben floated down and ran to me, cradling me in his arms, "What the hell! The least you could do is run in the house where you could be safe, not in the damn woods!" He scolded, "True," I thought and snuggled into his chest.


We turned, an out of breath pair of proxies stood a few feet away from us, "What part of go home and stay did you not understand? Does it suddenly equal 'go and get captured' ?"  Masky growled. Ben scoffed, "What about you two? Shouldn't y'all be with Brooklyn protecting her?"

"At least she is in the house, where she is safe." Masky huffed. I couldn't argue there, I watched as Masky suddenly slumped his shoulders in defeat, "Plus I think she would be kind of pissed if she found out that we watched her friend run into the woods and didn't try and stop her."

I chuckled, "Yeah, I would be too." Ben laughed and hugged me closer, "Alright, lets go back to the house before we disappear." 

"Funny you ssshould mention that,"

We turned. 

There, in one of the trees. A gremlin leaned against the the trunk with her arms crossed and a smirk gracing her lips. Ben tenses and gripped my arms, Masky picks up a fairly big rock and Hoodie has a crow bar, "Where did that come from?" I thought and redirect my attention back to the wicked creature. 

Her smirk grew wider as we locked eyes, "I think you sssshould havve thissss," She stated and threw something down, I whipped my arm out of Ben's grip and raced over. I picked up the object, Nathalie's bandanna.

"You bitch!" I yelled and moved to get up but something held me down. I looked down and saw vines wrap around my arm, and it hurt! "AAHhhh!" I cried and sank lower. 

"Nathalie!" The guys cry and spring into action. Hoodie and Masky go for the gremlin while Ben moves to help me. Out of know where a multitude of gremlins and winged creatures attack us, Hoodie and Masky were knocked out cold and being carried away, Ben was ripped away from me and was dragged away screaming in pain, I looked closer and gasped. 

They had poured water on him.

"No!" I cried, as tear fell down my cheek. I could only watch as the love of my life writhed in pain and angst, "No! Please stop, you'll kill him! Please!" I screamed. The creatures laughed and dropped him on the ground, leaving him glitching till he stopped moving at all. I starred in horror, and snapped my head at the gremlin. 

"You will pay for this." I sneered at her. She laughed and held my chin in her hand, I shivered at the slimy and cold feeling of her hand. "Oh, little one." She purred and raised a fist behind her, "I've heard thissss a million timesssss, but I never do."

She let the punch fly and I fall to the ground. My world fading to black.         


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