Am I Broken?

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Hello Bfoxfire here! To any viewers out there this is my first story and though I am procrastinate at times please be patient with me and I promise to update as soon as possible. But if you are a public school child then you know the struggles, but thank the lord for technology I have wattpad downloaded to my phone excuse. -.-  Anyway I do not own an creepypasta character or their backstory. Thanks and love ya's!   


Brooklyn's P.O.V

"......I know what you are going through, but don't worry it'll get better", My weak smile faltered for about the thirtieth time. Those words, "I know what you are going through", and, "better", shouldn't even exist right now. My named is Brooklyn Dorcha, I am 14 years old and I am currently at a funeral for my parents Shell and Beau and my siblings William and Belle, who were brutally murdered in front of me.  I watched as another one of my friends hugs their parents, what do these people know? They can still have the warm embrace of their mother or the proud smiles of their father, heck even the never ending energy of younger siblings. "I can't have that anymore", I though and quickly wiped my eyes before someone saw me cry, I wanted to leave there only so much pity I could take. Excusing myself from the crowd I began to search for my grandma, she was my legal guardian till one of my other family members could take me in (though I doubt they would want a hormonal teenager). As I walked down a hallway I began to hear voices, one of which sounded like my grandma. I stopped at a corner and took a quick look, it was my grandmother with my aunt, uncle and their kids mom had always told me to never go anywhere near them and by the sound of the conversation I began to understand why, ".....I don't care what you say! I will not give my granddaughter away to some adoption center!"

"Mom, there is no way you can take care of her, you are going to retire soon." He said

"And Helen what help can Brooklyn provide? I mean look at her she looks like a broken toy", My aunt piped up. Broken? Did I really look broken?

"Now you listen this is your sister's daughter! How could you do such a thing, and YOU-", my grandma snapped her fingers at my aunt, "-don't think I don't know what you have been doing since that fight between you and Shell all those years ago, if this some sort of revenge against Shell and you hurt Brooklyn I will cut you both from the will!" She huffed and began to walk towards my hiding spot, I tried to move but she bumped into me. Noticing it was me she softly smiled took my hand and we made our way outside, may people tried to stop us and talk to us but my grandma saw the look in my eyes I didn't want to talk to anyone. Finally getting out of the crowd and outside we get in her car and begin the long drive to her house in the country.

             Throughout the ride grandma tried to lighten the mood and turned on the soundtrack from Mamma Mia, I would sing my heart out to these songs and just about anything with a rhythm and lyrics. But I couldn't sing, the lyrics rolled through my head but my voice........

We entered a dusty road that ran along side a gated field and soon a long one-story house with pale yellow painted walls and a porch rolled into view. "Grandma", I whispered as we rolled up and stopped in the driveway. Turning off the car she turned to me with a worried expression, "Yes, sweetheart ?"

"I'm sorry,"

"For what dear?"



"I'm broken."

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