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Hey guys, in this chapter you will see some new characters the two main ones I will admit are not mine. They were created by my two best friends who's opinions helped me get this far with thinking any of this is crap, thank y'all and I hope you like it! :D


Brooklyn's P.O.V

It's been two years since that night, I am now 16 years old. That day I became Whisper, Splendorman's proud and loyal proxy, I wore a black tight fitted shirt that cut off at my elbows and showed my belly button, green cargo pants with a light brown belt to hold my whip. As promised Slendor teleported me away to a huge two-story Victorian style mansion deep within a forest and when I asked he had told me that we were in a vial between the under-realm and the real world in Virginia somewhat near Washington D.C. Looking up, I watched from the mansion's porch as three figures ran around the yard laughing and squealing as they were being chased by a dog on fire.

  The first was a Hispanic girl that was one year older than me but was 5'5, two inches shorter than me, she had a light tan skin tone and dark chocolate brown hair which was complemented by a red hair tie, a white tank top with a jean jacket, and even darker jean shorts. Her name was Nathalie, she was my first recruitment mission and one of my best friends. A few weeks after becoming a proxy her father and brother died from a hit-and-run, devastated she had locked herself in her room and when she came out her mother would act like it was all her fault and treat her like dirt, then one night she snapped after hearing her mom call her a "selfish whore". Nathalie attacked her and beat her to the point of near death, leaving her mom in the room she went and got an axe came back and chopped her head off. This didn't satisfy her. By the end of the night she had gone into 10 homes and killed 17 people each time saying, "Goodnight selfish bastards", and cut their heads off earning herself the name the Horseman,  at house 11 I stood in the doorway and waited for her to finish. When she saw me she stopped and smirked, "Where the hell have you been?"       

Smiling at the memory I looked at the other girl who was floating above the flaming dog trying to mess with it. She too was older than me but about the same height as Nathalie, she had pale greyish-white skin and golden blonde hair with a few tints of red, she wore a purple t-shirt with a skull and dark jeans. Her name was Nakomis also known as wispy slash and she too was one of my best friends, when Splendor explained the case he told us that Nakomis would be a special case and though he didn't want to do it he said that we had to push her to the brink of insanity. For the next couple of months the News had been proclaiming us as criminals and dead, Nakomis couldn't help but feel herself to blame, she fell into depression and her family did nothing to help. We ourselves were reluctant to do it but............masters orders. We would tease and scare Nakomis almost 24/7 showing up at random times, saying things that only she could her and knew it was us, even going as far as to showing up with fake blood on us and waking her up. Soon it was too much and her parents sent her away to an insane asylum, it was there we made our move. Splendor had given us a serum to inject her with when she was taking an afternoon nap, the serum was suppose to release a chemical that would make Nakomis snapped but it did so much more. We barley had time to hid after injecting her when the staff had came and taken her away for shock therapy, fearing the worse we followed and boy were we surprised. The serum had worked and she was pissed but the electricity did something to her and gave her the ability to fly! The doctors and other staff gasped when we showed ourselves but Nakomis was calm, objects began to fly around her, standing in front of her I smiled while Nathalie whistled and we both handed her something, two machetes. I leaned in, "Meet us outside when you're done." We had gotten a safe distance away when the asylum exploded into ruin, two minutes later Nakomis came floating out and stood in front of us crossing her arms she said, "You two are total bitches, you know that right?"   

After Nakomis got use to her powers and Nathalie controlled her blood crave (which took awhile cause every time Nakomis would practice she would lose control and cut herself and Nathalie wouldn't calm down till the next day or two)  Splendor came home one day and said that he had surprises for us. Placing a cat on Nathalie's lap he explained that it was a Hell cat and that he could grow into the size of a flaming panther on a whim, Nathalie loved him immediately and called him Feugo (fire). For Nakomis he motioned for us to go outside, there we saw a huge black dog that sneezed and bursted into blue flames. Splendor had also said that it was a demon dog and since the dog couldn't really control her flames he put a spell on her so now the flames wouldn't burn us, Nakomis was ecstatic and called the dog Oddball. As the two played with their pets Splendor walked me back into the mansion, up the stairs, and into a strange room littered with stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, books, a rocking chair, and finally a crib. Walking over I peered inside a gasped, lying in the crib was a baby boy with pale skin and really light pink hair. As he began to cry I picked him up rocking back and forth while humming he soon quieted down and opened his eyes, we stared at each other his eyes were a soft green with red flecks, cooing he reached up and touched my cheek I smiled and hugged him closer. Looking up at Splendor he smiled and whispered, "Take care of Tepes, please?"

Together we made up the family of Splendor Mansion, three proxies, two pets, a master, and a growing baby boy and we were happy like this. Splendor never pushed us, he would ask us to go save kids that meant kids that were beaten, kidnapped, raped, lost, bullied, and any other kid that was in need we usually killed the people who had wronged the child or any witnesses. Sometime we would go on a hunting spree if we were ever angry and needed to get out. After helping the children Splendor would play with them while we searched for good homes, after finding the home we would wipe his/her memory of us and drop them off at the house. None of Splendorman's brothers knew about us except Trendorman but he swore not to tell, we don't know why, Splendor says that it is for our protection and that is where we leave it. I watched as Tepes "attack" Oddball with the girls help, even though he was born a year and half ago Tepes had grown quicker and learned more faster than any human child, he looks like he is 4 years old now. To Tepes I was his mother, the girls were his aunts and Splendor was grandpa, none of us could bare to tell him otherwise sometimes Nathalie will joke when I get protective of him and say, "Uh oh, look out everyone it's mama bear!" and run off. Not that I mind I am happy to fill in the spot of his mother. Deep in thought I didn't notice Splendor come up behind me, "Brooklyn, gather the girls and go to my office I have a job for you", I nodded and called out, "Nathalie, Nakomis, Tepes!" Walking in I waited at the stairs soon they came in followed by Oddball, "Oddball, take Tepes into the living room and watch him", nodding she gently nudged him into the room, silently we made our way up to the second floor and to the office.  


"And this is what you wish us to do master?" I asked Splendor. He had told us about our mission but it was strange and full of things that could go wrong, "Yes, I know it seems odd but he must be stopped I don't want him going after my family ever again."

"But master knowing his history with your brother's proxies, wouldn't he send them? Which might get us caught," Nathalie commented. Sighing he nodded, "I know it's a big risk but I want this finished a soon as possible", he looked at us with pleading eyes, smiling I nodded and bowed, "We will do as you wish and get rid of him as soon as possible!" Both girls cheered beside me and Splendor laughed, "Thank you, he is in the Purple Lotus hotel in Chinatown, top floor, room 314", walking out from behind his desk he put a tentacle on our shoulders, "Are you ready?" "Don't forget to put Tepes to sleep at 8, ok?" I asked (cough cough mama bear) he smiled, "I will, ready?" We nodded, 



When we opened our eyes we were in an alley across the street from the Purple Lotus. Making our way to the rooftops we stood there for a minute staring at the building, excitement coursed through our veins, wicked smiles graced our lips as the target moved in front of a window.............

The hunt was on          

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