Electricity in the air

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Hello Bfoxfire here! You are probably thinking why hasn't she brought in the pastas?! SHOW US THE PASTAS! Well hold on! I hate when people write the back stories/flashbacks later on in the story and have you on hold till those back stories are over so I'm doing it in the very beginning. This chapter maybe a little long but it should keep you guys on the edge of your seats(don't be mad senpais D:) anyway enjoy! 


Brooklyn's P.O.V

Three days had passed since the funeral had passed, and I was slowly going insane. Phones had been ringing off the hook my phone, the house phone, and grandma's phone because of people calling to say how sorry they were for my loss and I'm getting sick of it. Sometimes it's people I know and sometimes it's people I don't know, I've even stopped talking to my closest friends, heck, everyone in general if I hear that stupid phone one more time I wi-, "rriiing", sitting up from my position on the couch I watch as my grandma raced over to the house phone and pick it up, "Hello, Helen Oz speaking",


She glanced at me, "No, she can't come to the phone right now can I take a message?" I sighed and got up making my way to the window.


"Thank you have a nice day." I heard a click and then silence before my grandma spoke again, "It was Mrs. Reigns, you know Trixie's mom", I scoffed, Trixie was a bitch that would rather kneel over and die before she showed me any kind of sympathy (really sorry if your name is Trixie). Not answering I keep my eyes to the outside world. Reporters were having a field day with the odd weather we were having, normally Alabama would go right into Winter around mid November but it was early October and they were already predicted an early snow fall. Even though it was around nine in the morning the clouds showed no sign of letting up, I watched as the trees swayed and flickered in the wind when a thought struck me, "I want to go, leave and find someplace where no on could touch me and just leave me alone", it was a random thought but not a bad idea. More thoughts of running ran threw my mind, "I could leave grandma, I'm sure she wouldn't mind, I'm just bringing her down she'd be better off without me right?"  I didn't notice to thumping noises behind me, finally I felt a hand touch my shoulder jolting me from my rambling mind. I turned to see my grandma holding my shoulder with a small smile on her face, I noticed a few things behind her my eyes widened when I recognized the items a sleeping bag, hiking backpack, and a medium sized box. "I saw the look in your eyes when you were looking outside and then I heard you mutter about leaving and getting out of here to be alone", I gasped, I didn't know she had heard sadness filled my heart. How could I be so selfish? "Grandma I am so sor-" "Don't be", she interrupted and grabbed my right hand slipping something onto it, "Sweetheart there is only so much pity a girl can take, if I was in your shoes I would want to run to the ends of the earth to be alone", her smile grew, "Now if you are willing I know just the place not to far away from here, would you like that?" letting go of my hands I look down to see the keys to the four-wheeler in the shed. "Yeah", I said looking back at her, "I would like that very much."


After loading a few things and a quick lunch, grandma and I were carrying  a few thing that I might have needed such as a fishing pool, machete, axe, and a few winter clothes when she began to talk more about the place, "I don't know if you remember because you were really young when I took you but there was a small cabin out on a lake a few miles away. Do you remember it?" Strapping down the last few items I began to remember the place she talked about, even though it was a long time ago but I remember it perfectly. Nodding she continued, "Good, I had renovated it a couple of times but there is no electricity, I packed a bunch of candles in the backpack. There should be cleaning supplies, a powerless vacuum, and a broom. The kitchen is stocked and there is plenty of fish in the pond so you should be good, you also shouldn't have to worry about cleaning anything immediately the last time I was there was the day of the accid-", she stopped herself but I knew what she meant. The day my parents were killed, horrible memories began to flood my mind, keeping tears from spilling I climbed on too the four-wheeler and started it up, the old thing rumbled to life and gently hummed as I sat there. I looked up at my grandmother one more time and saw her crying, she looked like she was trying to hold them back but failed miserably I felt my heart slowly break and those tears threatened to come back, leaning over I wiped the tears away and before I could pull back she grabbed my hand and held it to her cheek. I shouldn't be leaving her but we knew that this was the best, my backstabbing Aunt was right I was broken and I needed to find something to fix myself to be happy again for myself and her and I think she knew this too. Finally letting go I murmured, "I love you grandma", shifted into 1st gear and slowly made my way out and down the dirt path to the road.

 Before I could get on the road I heard a shout behind me, stopping I turned to see my grandma on one of the field hills, "Brooklyn!" She cried, "What!" I cried turning off the vehicle, " You listen real good you hear! You are not broken, because you are strong and smart you can fix yourself! Remember what your grandfather told you when he died!" I could only stare I remember what he had said nor will ever forget those words. A small smile crept onto my lips, something that hadn't happened for a long time, "I love you!" I screamed one last time and blew her a kiss.

Grandma Helen's P.O.V

"And I love you my little firecracker!" I cried holding a hand over my heart and blew her one last kiss as she took off down the road to the cabin. She was her father's daughter alright stubborn, caring, and independent. "She will come back", I thought, " And together we will get through this darkness and back into the light", I made my way back to the house but failed to notice the figure looming over me. Suddenly a horrible pain struck my head and I fell to the floor, darkness consuming me.


Brooklyn's P.O.V

"Forget yesterday, and make the most of today, but bless tomorrow and everything will go your way", these were the words my grandpa told me on his death bed exactly a minute before dying he had called for me and asked everyone else to leave the room even grandma, reliving the old memory as I sat in front of the fireplace. I had gotten to the cabin a few hours ago and the view had taken my breath away the one-story cabin was painted a deep red and had at least two windows on each side of the house next two that was a huge maple tree with a cologne of red, yellow, and orange leaves (I know in the picture it's not a maple tree but I really like maple trees) and finally behind both laid a ginormous lake. A few of the clouds had rolled away just enough for the sun to come out, when the sun hit the lake's surface I nearly passed out, it was like jewels littered the lake and had now been reveled the whole scene almost made me cry. Key word almost , unfortunately the sun was once again shielded and it snapped me back into reality. Getting off the four-wheeler I grabbed as must as I could (which in reality wasn't much and got everything inside on the first try) and went inside. It was very quaint carpet littered the floor except for the half kitchen half dining room setting my stuff down I began to put organize it into the cabinets. Looking around some more I discovered two rooms and a fire place in the room and for some reason a pretty big hole next to the fire place (idk). Grandma had been right cleanliness wasn't an issue there wasn't any dust even on the bedding and there were no bugs.

Noticing that it was beginning to get late I strapped the axe to my side and hunted for firewood getting enough for the night I returned to cabin set the logs and sticks next to the fire, grabbed the fishing pole and got dinner. Now I sat in front of a blazing fire with scattered pillows and blankets (from the bedrooms) and listened to the storm outside. To me back then those words my grandfather had said were weird, but now maybe he knew something bad would happen to me and told me for future reference..............what ever the case those words gave me a sense of peace and I was thankful.

Time slowly passed, it was 1 in the morning but I wasn't tried something felt off like there was electricity in the air. The storm was still raging on outside it was practically breaking the door down........... wait breaking the door down! Shooting straight up I had grabbed the machete when the door was literally busted down but not by the storm, in the door way was a weird mass that I couldn't make out. Finally the mass came in and I nearly screamed stand there was the man that killed my family and in his arms was my grandmother.

With a knife to her throat!

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