Chapter 30

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I don't know how long we sat on the bathroom floor. I wanted to stay here forever in Kade's arms away from the world. There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Come on people it's two fifteen!!!" Darby's voice brought me back to reality. Forty-five minutes to go...
Kade sighed and stood up still holding me against him. He opened the bathroom door and carried me to the closet. When he turned on the light the closet was still in tack. I looked at him in surprise. I assumed during his rampage the closet I loved so much would have been the first stop on his wrecking tour.

"Don't look so shocked Addi. I would never destroy something you love." He sat me down on the ottoman, kissed my forehead, and without another word he left the closet. Darby appeared after his departure. Her eyes widening at the closet walls.

"Holy shit..." She mumbled, I laughed.

"Go ahead I know you want to." She went through the racks touching different items. "Why don't you pick me out an outfit?" She grinned from ear to ear. She loved dressing me up. She pulled out a pair of light wash Dior jeans, tossing them to me. I got out a bra and underwear, putting them on. I slid on the jeans. I was standing there waiting for a shirt when Matt came into the closet. His eyes widen at the sight of me and he immediately closed them.

"Shit I'm sorry." He mumbles. Darby just laughed at him.

"I'm sure you've seen plenty of women with less than that on Matt you can open your eyes." He opened them slowly. Darby handed me a white one-shoulder top. I quickly threw it on. Matt let out a breath.

"I came to tell you that Kade just left."

"What the hell? Where did he go?" I questioned.

"I'll give you one guess," Matt said matter of factly. Grant's!

"Why did you let him go?! Are you kidding me Matt he'll kill Grant!" I quickly put on some flip-flops and ran out of the closet with Matt behind me.

"Your not leaving Addi. I promised Kade I'd keep you here."

"Bullshit! He can't be alone with Grant! You don't know what Kade is like Matt! Dar didn't you tell him?!" Panic had set in. If Kade killed Grant he would never forgive his self and it would be all my fault. I have to stop him. Darby shrugged.

"I may have told him a little bit I'm not supposed to remember? The nondisclosure we signed. Matt's not an idiot Addi. Take a look around he knows Kade did all of this!"

"Dar we have to stop him, please. I can't let him kill Grant." Tears began to flood my vision.

"Addi calm down. He isn't going to kill him." Matt replied.

"How do you know that Matt? If Kade loses it there's no telling what he'll do?!" I screamed.

"Because he is meeting the cops at Grant's house," Matt spoke nonchalantly.

"What!!! But there's no proof that he raped me!!"

"Harassment charges Addison. What Grant is trying to do is harassment. Kade's going to make sure he doesn't have any pictures of you. He'll have a restraining order placed on Grant and as long as they don't find anything Grant won't go to jail. He won't be allowed anywhere near you."
A restraining order really? Like that would stop him? Why is Kade doing this just to scare Grant? This doesn't make any sense.

"I don't understand..." Darby looked just as confused as I felt. Kade has already knocked Grant out cold and that hadn't stopped him from trying to blackmail me. Pressing charges would only piss him off further.

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