Chapter 29

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The sheets were tangled around his broad form. His hands and arms were stained with dried blood. His right foot hanging out from under the sheet had a large gash in it. But that wasn't the disturbing part not by a long shot. I sat on my knees in disbelief. I couldn't catch my breath, my chest was tight as I gasp for air. Darby came to my aid quickly. "Addison what..." Her voice faded as her eyes took in the scene in Kade's bed. "Matt!! Come help Addi she doesn't need to see this!" She growled. The bed in front of us began to shift and suddenly a pair of bright green eyes stared back at me. I stood slowly glaring back. The green-eyed monster winked at me as if to taunt me. I clenched my fist and screamed a scream of frustration so loud I'm surprised what was left of the glass in the penthouse didn't break. Darby pulled on my arm in an attempt to get my attention but I shrugged it off. I took steps swiftly toward the bed when Kade groaned and sat up. He looked disoriented as he scanned the room, he looked over and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He roared.

The bimbo smiled at him. "I came by to take care of you. Someone needed to." She reached out to him and the sheet that was around her slipped. Her perky breasts came into view and I lost it. She's naked in my bed with my fiancé! The thought ran over and over again in my mind. I couldn't control myself anymore. I stalked towards her and grabbed her around her neck with both my hands.

"Addison!" Kade yelled at me. I glared at him as I banged her head against the headboard.

"You crazy bitch!! Let go of me!!" She spat as she reached out trying to push me away. I didn't loosen my grip on her neck I tightened it. She began to gasp for air.

"Addi... Just let her go." Kade said softly.

"Why? Afraid I'll hurt your precious fuck buddy?!" I screamed, he stared at me in shock with his mouth agape.

"Addi!! Stop! You can kick her ass but you don't need to kill the slut!" Darby yelled. In my rage, I had forgotten she was even here. I turned to look at her. Darby and Matt both stood in the doorway staring back at me wildly. Addison Hayes this is not you. A voice from inside spoke to me. I let go of Jules. But before I walked away I threw my fist back and landed a heavy punch to her perfect little nose. She screamed in pain as blood began to gush out everywhere. I turned away from the bed walking toward Darby who smiled at me like a proud mother.

"Addison wait. Nothing happened! I didn't even know she was here. How the hell did you get in here?" He questioned her. Jules gripped her bloody nose crying.

"The door was unlocked." Her voice came out in barely a whisper. I stopped in front of Darby and she wrapped her arms around me hugging me.

"Come on Addi let's go home. You deserve better than this." She spoke lovingly and I nodded. Matt turned to escort us out of the penthouse.

"Addi!!! Come back damn it!! I swear nothing happened." Kade climbed out of bed completely naked. He stalked towards us. "I didn't touch her! I wouldn't do that to you!"

"Then why are you naked, Kade?" I growled at him. Darby looked Kade up and down, with a smirk on her face. Matt cleared his throat and her face reddened.

"I... I don't know Addi... I.. I just went to bed after I destroyed the place. I was wearing clothes when I went to sleep." He turned and glared at Jules who smirked. Angry flooded through me again and I leap toward her. Kade grabbed me quickly and held me to his naked form. Even though every part of my brain was screaming no I couldn't help the effect he had on my body. My stomach churned as my lady parts came to life.

"Let me go Kade."

"Not until you listen. I wouldn't do this you know me Addison. I love you only you baby. Please listen to me." He spoke softly looking down at me. I couldn't even bear to look back at him, it hurt too much. I looked over at Jules who had an unreadable expression on her face. I gave her the finger, to which she rolled her eyes.

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