Chapter 15

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I made my way to Emma's room.  The house was full of family members and upstairs were rooms full of bridesmaids getting ready.  I knocked on Emma's door.  Mr. Jacobs opened the door.  He looked very handsome in his black tux with a white bow tie. 

"Addison what can I do for you dear?" He smiled at me.  This time it was a genuine smile. 

"Just here to check on the bride before I get dressed." I politely smiled back.  He moved aside and I saw Emma come into view.  She was standing in a full-length mirror in her wedding dress.  She wore a pale pink strapless gown that fit her every curve,  just below her knees the dress flared out into a sea of ruffles and a long train.  It was gorgeous, her hair was curled and hanging loose she wore a crown of pink roses on her head. 

"Emma you are breathtaking.  You make a beautiful bride."  I smiled at her.

"Thanks, Addi.  How are you today?"  She smiled back putting on her earrings that were huge pear-shaped diamonds. 

"I'm fine Em don't worry about me today is your day.  Do you need anything before we get started?"

She turned around to face me.  "You really ok?  Because you look like hell Addi.  Did you sleep?"

"Well, not really but I'll be fine.  I promise."  I sighed.

"You and my brother are so damn stubborn.  He didn't sleep either.  Kept waking me up with his pacing and crying."  She huffed. 

"Sorry."  I wanted to ask more but I reminded myself today was her wedding day and I needed to get back to work.  "If you don't need anything I need to go change and get everyone lined up."

"I'm great I'm ready to get down that aisle and see my man."  She grinned and Mr. Jacobs laughed.

"We are ready so you can go but when things settle down I'd like a word with you Addison."  Mr. Jacobs motioned me to the door and I nodded.

"Ok, I'll come to see you at the reception, sir.  If you need anything after the ceremony just let me know Em.  I'll see you out there."  I smiled and left the room.  On my way down the stairs, my eyes met a pair of sky blue eyes I knew so well. Kade was coming up the stairs as I was going down. I stood there frozen staring at him. He looked so sexy in his tux. He looked at me for a moment and then continued up the stairs and right by me without a word. My heart twisted all I wanted to do was chase after him, but I knew I couldn't. I ran on down the stairs to the bathroom where Darby and I were changing. I threw the door opened and Dar was fixing her makeup.

"Finally!! Get out of those clothes and put this on!" She shouted at me. She opened the dress bag to reveal a red cocktail dress. The strapless bodice was cut low with sequences on it, the dress came down to my thighs and fit me like a glove.

"Wow, you look hot!" Dar grinned as she pinned my hair back on one side and sprayed it in place.

"Are you sure this isn't a bit too much for a wedding? It's really low cut I'm afraid my boobs are going to pop out any minute!" Darby laughed at me.

"That's the idea girl! Kade won't know what hit him. Now finish your makeup you have to hurry it's almost time."

Darby straightens her gold dress V-neck dress and we exited the bathroom. The wedding party was gathering by the patio doors. I grabbed my book looking at the order and then proceeded to line everyone up. I was halfway done when I realized Kade was the best man and I'd have to tell him where to stand. I looked at Darby who quickly realized and nodded. She walked over and paired Kade with the maid of honor who was Emma's best friend Sara. She was a beautiful brunette with long legs and green eyes. She looked like Kade's type. She batted her eyes at him and a blind man could have seen she was thrilled to be paired with him. My stomach hurt at the sight of them together.  Kade's eyes met mine but I didn't wait to see what he did.  I put the flower girls in their place and went to get Emma. 

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