Chapter 22

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  When I woke up in the morning I rolled over and found an empty bed.  I sat up and looked around, the sun streamed through the windows and Kade was nowhere in sight.  I heard voices coming from the kitchen so I got up and quickly dressed.  Darby, Matt, and Kade were all standing around the kitchen island talking quietly.  When they saw me they immediately stopped talking. 

"What's going on?"  I questioned.  Darby sighed and looked at Kade,  who mumbled something under his breath. 
"Well?  I'm not a child don't treat me like one! Now, what the hell is going on?!" I yelled at them.  Kade quickly came to my side placing his arm around my waist. 

"Addison calm down.  We were just discussing a few theories about who left that box.  I don't want you to be scared but I have spoken to the head of my security and they reviewed the security footage from your building.  There is no footage of anyone carrying a box in but there is footage of Grant leaving the building yesterday." 

"Grant? Do you think Grant would do this?  He might be a jackass but I don't think he would do this." 

Darby looked at me curiously.  "Why wouldn't he Addi?  He wanted you back and I'm sure he wasn't too happy about having his ass handed to him by Kade."

"No I'm sure he wasn't but he isn't crazy I really don't think this is his style."  I sighed and Kade pulled me closer to him. 

"You never know what a desperate man will do.  I'm not saying for sure it's him but it's a good possibility.  I hired a private investigator to follow him around so if he does anything else we'll know about it.  For now you girls are staying here.  I'll get to the bottom of it.  I also called Nora and told her you won't be in.  If you need to work you'll have to do it from here."

"What? I can't even go to work?! What the hell Kade you can't just keep me locked up in this damn penthouse!"

"If it means you'll be safe I can.  I'm not arguing with you about this.  Whatever you need or want can be brought here."  He let go of me and went pour his self another cup of coffee.  Darby and Matt exchanged a knowing glance at each other but didn't say anything.  Some best friend she could at least help me out here! 

"I'm not a prisoner you can't make me stay here!" I yelled.  "This is ridiculous." 

"Addison it's not safe for you to go out where you can't be watched properly.  You can throw a tantrum all you want but I won't change my mind.  If anything happened to you I couldn't handle it."  He spoke softly giving me a defeated look.  A guilt trip huh?  Ugh! Just fucking great I'm stuck inside because some jackass sent me a box!  I know I must be acting like a bitch but this too much to handle.  I like my space and now I can't even go to work.  I rolled my eyes at Kade and walked away.  I retreated to his bedroom and slammed the door.  I threw myself on the bed as he opened the bedroom door. 

"Baby..." He breathed quietly.

"What Kade?! You wanna chain me to the bed too?!" I groaned.  He laughed lightly coming toward me.

"That does sound tempting."  He whispered in my ear as he kissed my cheek.  "Don't be upset with me I know it's a little extreme but it's for your own good and my sanity." 

"A little extreme? Kade really?! It's ridiculous I'm practically on house arrest." 

He hovered over me and placed his hand on my cheek gently.  "I know this is hard for you but I'm going to figure out who this is for sure.  It's only for a few days."  His sky blue eyes pleading with me to cooperate.

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