Chapter 23

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The next week everything was back to normal. Darby and I were back in our apartment, I was back to working twenty-four seven and Kade was as busy as ever. So far I haven't received anything else and Jules hasn't been a problem. A few days after Kade told us who left the box he had lunch with Jules. I wasn't too happy about it but whatever he said to her must have worked. He didn't really go into detail with me even though I questioned him about it several times. He just kept telling me not to worry about her it was taken care of, which annoyed me.

I was stressed out with everything going on at work. We had two big weddings coming up on the same weekend and the girls were working overtime to get everything done. I was about to pull my hair out trying to oversee everything that was going on. I was sitting at my desk fixing a seating chart for the second time because the girls just couldn't seem to meet the bride's instructions on who should seat where, when Kade strolled into my office.

"Hey, babe." He smiled warmly at me. I looked up at him and grinned. Even in my most stressed moments, Kade was a welcomed distraction. He looked amazing in his gray dress slack and white button-down shirt. His sleeves were rolled up and the top button was undone.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to rescue you. You've been working too much. We both have. I've decided we are going away for a few days." A grin forms on his face as he walks around my desk and stops in front of me.

"Oh, you decided huh? I don't get a say in the matter?" I smirked at him as he held out his hands for me to take them. I quickly placed my hands in his and he pulled me up from my chair immediately wrapping his arms around me pulling me to him.

"No, I don't think you'll argue once you hear what I have in mind."

"And what would that be Mr. Jacobs?" I smiled up at him taking in his features. I still don't know how I got so lucky with him. He looks incredibly sexy looking down at me with a five o'clock shadow on his face as his sky blue eyes shine with excitement.

"The jets fueled up and ready to leave. Darby is packing you a bag and James will pick it up."

"But where are we going?" I question.

"I'm not telling you I've decided to keep it a secret." He smirks.

"But you just said when I hear I won't argue! Now tell me where Kade!"

"Nope, I changed my mind. It will be more fun for you if it's a surprise." He kisses my forehead and lets go of me.

"But that's not fair you know I like having control."

"Yes, I do that's why it's more fun this way babe." He winks at me pulling out his phone, turning away from me so I can't see the screen.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I try to move around him and see what he is typing.

"Just making sure Darby doesn't tell you where we are going." He laughs. "You can finish what you were working on babe James won't be here for another twenty minutes."

"Like I can concentrate now Kade!" I whine. Kade takes a seat in front of my desk.

"Sure you can I won't bother you until it's time to go." I look down at the seating chart completely forgetting where I was before Kade showed up. There's no way I'm going to be able to finish this now. Where could he be taking me? A million possibilities run through my mind. There really is no telling with him though. I finally give up trying to figure it out. I look up at Kade who is staring intently at his phone. His white shirt is clingy tightly to his broad form. I love the way he has his sleeves rolled up showing off the strong muscles of his forearms it's a really big turn-on for me. He might work in an office but he is in incredible shape like someone who works out all the time. I know he has a gym in his penthouse but he only uses it a few times a week. The longer I stare at him the more turned on I become. I suddenly get up and go around my desk. Kade looks up at me raising an eyebrow. Before he can question me I take his phone placing it on my desk and slowly climb into his lap straddling him. A smile spreads across his face before I take his face in my hands and kiss him. He moans into my mouth deepening our kiss as his hands roam over my backside. A few minutes later we spring apart when Kade's phone begins ringing.

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