Chapter 14

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  I walked away from Mr. Jacobs not knowing what to say.  I knew he really loved Kade he just had a funny way of showing it.  Nora was standing in the dining room when I walked in. 

"Addi! Are you ok?" Concern filled her face as she took in my appearance.  I turned and look in the mirror on the wall.  My hair was all over the place,  my face was stained with mascara, my eyes were red and puffy.  I looked like I'd been up for hours crying.  I turned back to Nora and nodded.

"I'm ok I just need to see Kade where is he?" 

"Upstairs I think.  Addi you should sit down you look pale.  Are you sure you are ok?  Grant didn't hurt you?"

"No just scared me.  I'm ok really Nora.  Finish up everything and head home I need you here by noon tomorrow ok?"  She nodded. 

"If you need anything before then or if you decide you can't do everything just let me know ok? I can handle anything you need me to."  I smiled at her.  She really was a great assistant. 

"Ok, Nora. I'll see you tomorrow."  I turned around and made my way upstairs.  I'd never been upstairs so I really had no idea where I was going.  But when I got to the top of the stairs on the second floor I heard Kade yelling.  I followed his voice that seemed to get louder and louder. 

"Damn it!!!!!!!" He growled and something crashed to the floor.  I heard what I assumed was glass breaking.  I could hear Emma but couldn't tell what she was saying.  I listened to a few doors before I found the right one.  

"Kade just take a breath! Calm down you are destroying your room!! Listen to me damn it!! You never would listen to anyone when you got like this but mom!! KADE!"  Emma argued with him but clearly, he wasn't listening.  I heard him scream again and something else broke.  I don't think I could have prepared myself for what I saw when I opened the door.  Emma just stood there unsure of what to say to explain her brother's actions.  The floor was covered in glass and little pieces of wood.  The walls had holes in them from Kade punching them I assumed.  A wooden desk was laid broken on the floor.  Kade was standing there panting with blood on his hands and face.  His jacket was gone and his dress shirt was ripped up with bloodstains on it.  His hair was tinted with blood and his eyes were bloodshot.  When his eyes met mine he took a deep breath and he sunk on the floor.  He held his head in his hands and began to rock back and forth crying.  I looked over to Emma and she nodded.  As I entered the room I had to tiptoe to keep from stepping on glass.  Emma made her way out of the room.  "I'll be in my room if you need me." She whispered and shut the door behind her. 

I stood in front of Kade.  "Kade..." I whispered.  He was sobbing so loud I didn't know if he heard me.  I crouched down in front of him touching his arm.  "Kade..."  This time he lifted his head and looked at me.  He looked so scared. 

"I'm so sorry Addi."  He looked at me with tears falling down his face.  I put my hands on his face. 

"It wasn't your fault Kade and I'm fine.  Everything is ok baby."

"No, it's not ok Addison.  Look at me! Look what I've done! I can't control myself... I ... I could have killed him."

"But you didn't Kade he'll be fine."

He shook his head taking my hands off his face.  "You should go Addi.  You deserve better than this I'm a monster."

"No, you are not! You saved me, Kade! If you wouldn't have stopped him he would have raped me!!!"  I stood up yelling at him. 

"Addi just listen to me!!! I'll end up hurting you.  I'm no good, don't you see that! Look around!  I destroy everything I touch!"  He screamed. 

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