Chapter 19

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    After dinner, we said our goodbyes to everyone else and went back upstairs.  We spent the night and the whole next day in bed together.  We talked,  cuddled, and did things that would make any woman blush. 

   Being with Kade like this reminded me of our trip to Vegas and how much fun we had together without all the drama.  I didn't want it to stop so I kept ignoring that part of me that was worried about what was to come.  At one point during the night, I thought Kade was going to bring up whatever these secrets were but he didn't. 

  When we finally decided to get out of the house the sun was setting.  Kade took my hand and led me down to the beach.  Where we walked hand in hand taking in the beautiful scenery around us. 

"This is the best vacation to Hawaii I've been on."  Kade smiled at me. 

"Really why is that?  Didn't enjoy all those family trips here?" I grinned.

"Of course I did.  But this is different.  Being here with you like this is special to me.  I love it here and I'm glad I can share it with you.  Just think we can bring our kids here one day and tell them this story."  He stopped walking and looked down at me. 

Wait, what!? Did he say our kids?  What kids?  I felt a little panic rise in me.  Kids?  I'd never really thought about kids with anyone.  I loved Kade but I wasn't sure about marriage let alone kids.  Slow down please sir.  My head was spinning.  I stared at him and he chuckled. 

" I didn't mean anytime soon unless that's what you want."  He tugged on my hand and began walking.  "You should see your face.  I didn't mean to freak you out."

"Oh well, I uh.." Kids? Really he wanted kids?  I mean I guess I could do that.  I was good with kids and his kids would be gorgeous.  "You just took me by surprise Kade.  I mean I haven't really thought that far ahead before.  I guess one day kids would be ok." 

"Having kids with you would be amazing,  you'd be a great mom.  Besides we could have a lot of fun making them." He smirked.

"I'm sure we could.  Let's not worried about that right now ok?  Let's just enjoy Hawaii and get through this whole tabloid thing."  I smiled at him.

He hesitated.  "Yeah, I guess I'm getting ahead of myself.  I've never wanted to plan the future with anyone else Addi.  I didn't really plan much with Jules it just happened and I don't want that to happen again.  I don't want to rush anything with us I just want you to know what I have in mind for the future ok?"  I nodded.

"I understand.  We're supposed to be taking this time to get to know each other better right? So plans would be a part of that." 

"Yes, the future is something we should discuss I want to make sure you do everything you've ever wanted.  I want to know what your dreams are so I can make them come true."  He smiled brightly at me and I couldn't resist.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. 

   At that moment I fell in love with him all over again.  The fact that he wanted me to be happy consumed me.  I've never had someone who cared so much about what I wanted.  With Grant, it was always about him and that's the way it had been with everyone for most of my life. 

When I finally pulled away we were both breathless.   Kade smiled down at me.  "So how about those dreams babe?  What are they?" 

"Well my company was always a dream and I have that.  The idea of the expansion was another one but your dad is going to help me with that.  I haven't really thought about my future much I have always just been trying to get through the day.  There once was a dream of a proposal and a happily ever after with Grant but I sure as hell don't want that."  I laughed and he shook his head.  "I have always wanted to go to Paris and put a lock on the Pont des Arts bridge.  It was a fairytale fantasy of mine when I was younger."  I laughed. 

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