Chapter 23.

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"Jeff? ".my mom asked.

"yes? What is it?". He instantly replied back with his head down.

"can I see your face? ". Eyes widen as I heard those words. 'Oh no Jeff... ' I thought. Jeff took off his hoody and he reveals himself. My mom was looking at him directly. But he then spoke. "my face is like this when I got bullied that's why I was moved to home school for 3years until I got to college". He said. I was a bit surprised as well because he's such a great lair almost got me to believe too.

"oh well sweet no body can hurt you anymore. But what happened to your with your skin?".

"my skin got bleach and alcohol during a fight and it was light by fire". Then Jeff froze in silence. He looked back down and covered his head with his hoody.

After that Jeff sat quietly for the rest of the eve. My mom looked at the time "well I have to go its getting late". I nodded. Me and my mom went outside to her car, I grab her hand before she can drive off. "why are you not surprise by Jeff's face? ". She smiled. "I've been a nurse baby I've seen worse".

I smiled and let go sending her off. Then I went back to Jeff and Sally still sitting on the couch. "Gwen?". Sally asked.

"yeah". I then look at Sally's finger pointing at Jeff who instantly bulked up and when to our room. "what's up what's him? "

"I don't know, but do you want some chocolate?". I smiled and took one from her hand.

"sure! ". I said. Me and Sally always got along with the same thing. "you think Jeff will be okay? ". I asked. Sally didn't replied much she only shook her head. "I'll go check up on him?". She nod.

I walked up to the door and I could hear a voice, it almost sounded like Jeff's crying. He was saying something almost shouting like he was in pain. "Lui I'm sorry please forgive me". Then it went silent for a second, I reached the door knob but the door was soon opened by Jeff hugging me.

"Why Lui? ". I asked.

"I still haven't forgiven myself for killing my brother"

"don't worry he's gone, it's in the past but now I need you, the baby need you, we need you".

"okay I promise I will never leave you"

"tomorrow after graduation, I will be all yours".

On the next day I saw Rose and Sid holding hands and walking past my house, I run over to them. "hey guy----". I noticed both of them had red faces, I smirked at the moment. "you two are on a realationship right?". i looked at them both. my brother glance at my hair then he grinned. "If I'm not mistaken you and Jeff had fun last night?"

"No! And if anything once is enough". My brother already knew my situation and he helped me a lot. I saw Jeff up front handshaking Sid. "hey man how have you been? ".

"I'm okay man how about you? ". He replied.

"so Jeff and Gwen how's the little unborn? ".

"I think our little baby will be a girl? I guess?".

"oh my god! I'm so happy for you!". Rose joined. "how about we go out tomorrow after graduation? ".

Jeff smiled as he looked at my big. Bump stomach. "you'll be a great mother". He said. "and you'll be a great father".

Jeff's POV

I looked at her stomach imagining what will become of our baby. "you'll be a great mother". I said as sweetly as possible. "and you'll be a great father". She replied back. 'I hope so. Gosh I didn't expect that I'm gonna have kids. I'm a psycho killer who puts people out of their misery. But knowing her, she's more to that, she surpassed that, knowing I'm a killer but treating me as a person. And now in going to be a father. I wish I could be a great dad one day. I hope so...


"Jeff? ". Gwen called out to me. I was in a dark room I looked down to see a blood pool. The floor was filled with blood and dead bodies surrounded with smile carves to their faces. They look like the ones that I killed. "Jeff!? ". I hear Gwen's voice calling me, I faced Gwen. She looks so scared. Then she pointed down and I saw a baby girl slaughtered, opened guts and it's blood gripping from my cold hands. "Jeff? How could you? You killed our baby!".

"but Gwen I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't even--"

"shut the fuck off Jeff, and now... You have to die". She aimed a knife at my chest and stabbed me repeatedly. The dream is almost like a broken record. Repeating itself over and over, almost like I was in hell.

I woke up and knowing Gwen was still asleep. I stood up. I looked at the window. Seeing its still way to early to be awake I decided to go hunting.

I walked about a mile away. away from Gwen's house so she could be safe from all the... murders i get into.

It's 3am and not much people are around at this time of night. So I looked around and scanned the area. I suddenly spot a house that easy enough to get trough. Then it hit me. A knife was thrown at my back and pierced through shoulder.

"what the fuck!?" I detached the knife and held it tight.

"good to see you again Jeff." wait I know that voice. Its--- "Laughing Jack."

"You're still alive? " he and at me, he held up his claws and clenched his fist. "The fuck I am. It takes more than a smiling dog to finish me off!"

"how about we settle this like man? "

"standard rules? "

"yeah, standard rules. No knives No tricks"

"you got yourself a deal"

I dropped the knife I was holding and out of the blue, Jack strike me with an airborne knife and pierced my stomach with his claws. I cuffed up blood. "What's the matter Jefry boy? Can't stand the pain? " I pulled out the knife I have and tried to stab him. He then gripped my right wrist with his free hand. "guess what Jeff! I'm the real deal, you're just a copy black and white phony!" I then stabbed him in the heart.

"guess what Jack!" I said

"at least i'm not the one hiding behind smoke and mirrors."

then cutting his head was the best thing than i ever have done.

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