Chapter 9

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{Gwen's P.O.V}
I was shocked hearing his story and mostly Jane. I hugged him, just plane terrified.

"Don't worry I'm here". He said. I looked at him. "Then if you had gotten insane back Then, but why are you not insane now?". I asked.

He sigh at me and looked at me with he's puppy dog eyes. "It's because it was done ". He said. Done? I said to myself.

"But anyways happy birthday ". He said. I saw his body he wore a black undershirt. I could see some packs in he's body. I blushed laughing. "What's so funny". He said.

I looked at his eyes. "Nothing ". I said. I got the feeling like I want to tickle him. He sat on the bed and I got closer to him. I hugged his neck and wore a demonic smile. He looked at me. And I tickled him. He burst out laughing. We both fall to the floor and led out a smile to one another.

My mom knocked into the door. "Honey?... get dressed and we are going to some special place". Said my mom.

"I'm gonna change now". I said to Jeff. Jeff laughed. "I hope you put on a great show". He said laughing. I walked closer to him.

"You really want a great show?". I leaned at him. He smirked. "Wanna bet?". He said.

So I did what I have to do. I grabbed the pillow and smashed it into Jeff's. Jeff stood up and walked to the open window. "Having fun are you?". A familiar voice spoke. Jeff heard it to. A knife was stab into Jeff's right shoulder. Jane came out into the open and pushed Jeff out the open window. He then fall to the ground. "So here we are again ". She laugh. I took a step back. "Don't be afraid sweety. I'm only here to say who's my new boyfriend is.". She took a step back "it's Laughing Jack". She shouted. I looked out the window and saw Jeff with a stabbed arm. I turned and Jane was gone.

"Where is that son of a bitch". Jeff's anger gotten into flames. "Don't worry she only told me who's her boyfriend was". He then calm down and asked me who it was. "Laughing Jack".

Jeff's eyes widen. "L-laughing Jack". Said In a low freaking voice.

"I gotta go". He said. He looks frightened. Then he left. My mom burst the through the door. "Happy birthday Gwen". She said. She wore her usual happy sunshiny smile. "It's your 18th birthday so we have to give you something special". She said. "We?". I said.

"Yes we... me and your father before he died he planned to give you something special for your 18th birthday"

"So what is it?". I slightly asked. " we'll know when we get there". She still have that smile.

I got in the car and we drove. .It was a long drive but we parked near to the playground next to the woods. "Why did we parked here?". I asked suspiciously. "We gave you a house ". She said. Pointing at the house next to us. I slowly got out of the car and walk to the house. 'it's huge!'. I thought to myself.

"Sweety stay right here and I'll go get your stuff". She said. I nod in reply.

I wondered around the house. There are two bathroom and two bedroom and another one for the guest. It had a beautiful wide kitchen and a fancy living room. I got upstairs and there was a big masters bedroom. I was imagining dirty thoughts about Jeff. 'No no no I won't I won't I won't! '. I said to myself out load. "What no I won't are you saying?". A familiar voice spoke. I looked up to see who it was . "Jane...". I said in a growing tone.

I turned. I looked at her. She's with a guy. He wore a clown costume but it was all black and white with striped patterns all over. "You seem a little scared ". He said. Jane looked at me, she was holding a knife. I didn't even looked at Jane but I think she was wearing a black nightgown and a black gloves. I panic and ran down stairs. I saw a dog. It ran after me and almost attacked me but Jeff gestured him sit down. "Oh Jeff!". I cried.

"What's the matter?". He said to me. I ran after him and buried my face into his chest. "J-jane is here". I cried.

"Is laughing Jack there? ". He said. I nodded. I was petrified of Jane and his Jack. I still got the creeps thinking about it. Jeff ran upstairs and a his dog sniff me. I sat with him, apparently he's a male. "They're gone". Said Jeff behind me. I looked at him. "Who's this cute little husky fella?". I said to Jeff Rubin it's head.

"That's smiles, I need someone to look after him". He said. I nodded. "I was thinking of you and I thought you could look after him and I'll take Smiles back tomorrow? ". I look at him he seems happy. "Sure why not ". I said gracefully.

Jeff run off to somewhere I think and then comes my mom with a moving truck. We all even the delivery guy help place all of my new furniture and other house old things and it was late at night.

"Honey?". Said mom. "Yeah?". I replied. "I'll be going now and I hope this will be enough". I nod. And run to the masters bedroom and slept quietly with the smiles beside me to keep me company.

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I woke up and felt the fresh morning air right through me. I took a deep breath and stretched myself. Me and smiles walked out the door to get some fresh Sunday air but Smiles sat at the porch.

"Okay then sit there I'll go get relaxed myself". I said. First I looked at my house and the woods was behind it. "Cool!". I said. I then began to look a round and saw a playground with a little girl all alone. I walked over to her. "Why are you here". I said happily.

"I'm just waiting for someone". She said.

I looked at her she was wearing a pink dress and she was holding a teddybear. "Do you want to play with me?". She said in a low simplified voice. I nod in reply. "What's your name?". I said. "It's Sally ". She took a blindfold and put it on me."I'll make you scream in joy". Sally then pulled a knife on me and placed it on my neck.

"Sally stop!". Jeff scream. I was able to here him this time. "We don't kill family".

She then withdraw the knife on me. "Sorry I thought your not one of us". I began to think to moment she mentioned that. "Look... I'm sorry Gwen if Sally got to excited... I was......". He then stopped when we all heard the loud explosion.

"Come with us". He said. Then I followed. Jeff gestured smiles to come with us but it over passed us, smiles was to quick. We ran into the woods. As we got deeper and deeper the woods gets darker and darker. Then I saw I great big house in the middle of the woods.

Jeff opened the door and we barge in. "What's that smell!" He said. I smelled it too. Jeff ran into the kitchen, me and Sally went to the outside to talk.

"So your human". Sally replied in a mature way. It was strange the was she talks, it was almost like she was like my age. "By the way Sally, What's your age?". I said.

"I'm nine. But older than nine". She said. "I don't understand ".

She sigh. "*sigh* it's like this being half demon you don't age. So I'm physically nine but I'm actually older than nine". I get it but I was still confused. "Okay ". I replied with a smile.

"Since you met Sally. I think it's time for you to meet the rest of my family". Said Jeff from behind us.

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