~Chapter Two~

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Sin's POV-

I limped, over to my mentor with a bleeding arm, and bruised ribs. I could see the disapproval in his eyes as he stood there with his arms folded across his chest. I smile weakly at him, but he just points to his cabin. I hung my head as I dragged my feet over to it.

Of course Lachlan had to follow, so it was now my mentor, Lachlan, and me. Once we were there, my mentor slammed the door shut and walked up to me and hit me on the back of the head.

"Ow!" I yelled at him, rubbing my head.

He only did that when I would go off for a day or two without telling anyone. So, actually... He did that a lot.

"Three days, Sin! Really?! You didn't tell anyone, not even a note. Come on, you should know better then that!" he scolded me like I was thirteen again.

I didn't say anything for awhile, just stared at the floor. "Sorry, Mitchell."

"I'm about to start having Lachlan follow you around so you can't just disappear," he said more to himself.

"Oh, you know he would end up tied to a tree with a gag in his mouth before he could stop me, right?" I stated.

"Yes, I know," Mitchell agreed.

"Hey!" Lachlan exclaimed.

"Lachlan, we all know it true. She is a better fighter than you, and everyone else in this camp," Mitchell expressed.

"Yeah, so why can't I do what I want? Why do I always have to tell someone I'm going out?" I started firing off questions.

By now Mitchell was behind a table that sat in the back of the room. All his weapons, well, most of his weapons were there. Including some maps that he drawn out himself, with a little help from me. This camp was special. We had our stealth that put us above others,  we... well... I had my ways to get into Solaris, inside the walls. Not many know how I do it, and everybody hated when I do, but I didn't do it often, and when I did, I came back loaded. Loaded as in weapons, like, guns and ammo, knives, daggers, arrows, swords, too. No one knew how I got them either, but I had my secrets that weren't meant to be shared.

I walked over next to Mitchell and looked down at the maps with him. You could easily tell where he drew, and where I did. My drawings were the better ones.

Mitchell's prized hunting knife, about the length of my hand, was jabbed in the table. I always loved that knife. It had a silver blade with a hook at the top, the handle was made of deer antler and had small engravings covering the entire thing. I smiled and pulled it out of the table, it fit perfectly in my hand.

"You know, I have always loved this knife," I murmured to him, hinting him I wanted it.

"You're not getting it. I'm going to bury it with me," Mitchell joked.

I was always more open when I was with Mitchell, but he was like the family I never had. He has been my father figure since I got here, and I can't thank him enough for it either.

I sighed dramatically as I jabbed the knife back into the table.

"So, why am I in here?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I know this is a weird request, coming from me especially, but I need you to scout the Walls. I have been told there are a few people wandering around there, barely surviving, too," Mitchell finished.

"So, you just told me off for leaving Camp, and now you want me to go to the Walls, of all places? Are you bipolar? Do we need to have a talk about some drug issue I don't know about?" I questioned with fake seriousness, but smile at the end of it.

"No, I don't have a drug problem, but, sorry Lachlan, you need to leave," he said quietly.

"Ugh, why can I never be apart of this stuff, I'm older then her!" Lachlan whined.

"How long have you been her?" I asked calmly, but venom dripping from every word.

"Two years," he replied immediately.

"I've been here seven. I know these parts better then the back of my hand. So, do you fight about it? Because I can already tell you that you're going to loose, and badly, too," I announced, telling only the truth.

I saw him swallow and nervously glance at Mitchell who just shrugged and looked back at the maps. Lachlan hadn't even seen a third of what I have. He didn't bare all the scars I did, mentally and physically. He will never understand.

"If I were you, I would go before I do something I will regret later. And just to let you know, they call me 'Sin' for a reason," I finished.

Lachlan nodded his head stiffly and stumbled out the door. I smirked, I loved scaring people who think they are better then me.

"Did you really have to scare him like that?" Mitchell complained.

"They think they are better then me, tougher then me, thinking they've been through more, but most of them haven't. Especially Lachlan. He gets on my nerves to easily," I groaned.

"Okay, to go back to the topic I was talking about before you scared Lachlan away, I need you to scout the perimeter of the walls, please. You don't have to go tonight, but soon," Mitchell pleaded. I had never heard him this desperate before, it made me curious, but I didn't press on, he would tell me when he was ready.

"Okay, but my side really hurts so I am going to get some rest, I'll leave tomorrow night," I said, holding my side gently.

"Okay, and thank you," he offered me a weak smile.

I nodded and walked out of his cabin. I made my way over to my cabin. I could see that Emma was already in there. I groaned, she wasn't going to let me sleep. I got inside and threw on one of my black longed sleeved shirts and carefully lied down on my bed, trying to avoid putting any weight on my ribs.

"Sin! What are you doing?! Its way to early for you to be going to bed! Get up there is stuff I want to do, since you haven't been here to do anything with me the last three days! I can't believe you just left without telling anyone, again! Can ya stop doing that?!" Emma shouted.

"Emma, I was thrown into a tree, broke a rib, was bit by an Infected and have to leave tomorrow night to scout the Walls tomorrow. I need rest," I murmured to lazy to open my eyes to look at her.

"You broke a rib?!" she screamed.

"just said that."

With a wince, I lifted my shirt up before she could ask. I heard her gasp, then her rummaging through all her stuff, then run out of the door. She was back in second. There was something cold against my skin, which made me gasp and open my eyes.

I look over at her, she didn't seem to notice, she was to busy being doctor. Emma walked over to the head of the bed and gently wiped my bite wound clean. It stung a little, but I just let her do her thing, knowing it would make her feel a lot better.

I sighed when I knew she was done. I heard her shuffle back over to her side of the cabin and get into her bed. Knowing now she was going to stay in here the entire time I was to make sure I was all right and didn't do anything rash.

Darkness soon consumed me, which I welcomed with open arms.


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