Part 7: The Math Camp

Start from the beginning

"If you ever get out of this." Matty said teasing and walked back to you, wrapped his arms around your waist and tried to pull you up again but it was no use. Your rubber boots were clear stuck into the mud and there was no way to get them up. Not with Matty's strength. "Wait a second." He mumbled under his breath and ran a hand through his curls to move them away from his eyes.

"Mr. Hemmings! We've got a mud hole problem!" Even though they seemed to be far away many still heard Matty's yell and Luke stopped in track to turn around to see you stuck in the mud.

"Coming!" He yelled back and let go of Brittany to her disappointment and he hurried towards you even though it was slippy with the large amount of mud.

"Why doesn't this surprise me." He exclaimed with a smile when he stood right in front of you and it made you roll your eyes by his words and Matty laugh. "Just get me out of here, I can't stand being here for any more seconds." You grumbled and looked at him with serious eyes and he laughed before moved his hand shown to grab one of your boots.

"Try grab the other Matty. We'll see if it's possible to get her out by our strength. Otherwise I have another plan." Luke explained and Matty moved down to grab your left rubber boot and on the count of three the two tried to pull you up from the mud but it was pure pointless and you loosened your arms from having them crossed over your chest.

"We'll there's only one last thing to do then." Luke said as he stood up straight again and you furrowed your eyebrows. "We have to leave the rubber boots here."

"I'm not gonna fucking walk in the mud in only a pair of socks!" You said in warning and looked between them with wide eyes. Your words made Luke laugh and he shook his head by your confused stage. "No we can't have that." He turned around so his back was facing you and he kneeled slightly down so his back was in level with yours.

"Come on. Jump." He requested and you looked at Matty with wide eyes. He nodded his head encouraging for you to do it so with the help of Matty you jumped onto Luke's back and rose at least 30 centimeters by his very tall frame.

"Are you sure you can carry me for a mile?" You asked unsure, and wrapped your arms around his neck to make sure you wouldn't get unbalanced and fall. It was enough that the mud had taken your rubber boots, there was no way that the rest of your body would end up drowning in the mess.

"Please, you're light like a feather. Besides now Matty doesn't have to wait on your small legs anymore. You were clearly the reason to why you guys were so much behind." Matty laughed by Luke's comment and nodded his head agreeing which made you look at him with a death glare but you couldn't prevent the giggle escaping your lips.

"Are you comfortable up there?" He asked when you guys had caught up with the rest of the group and you hummed in respond and yawned quietly. Spending so much time outside was tiring and you fought the chance to keep your eyes open.

"Good. It must be a good view." Luke responded and you hummed once again and looked down at the many heads that were now visible in sight from this point of view.

And of course Luke was right about his sayings. Without you controlling the pace, it ended up with you being in the front of the group, and you managed to walk past Brittany who frowned by the sight of you on Luke's back.

"You've got to be kidding me." You heard her mumble grumpy to her two best friends and you glanced back at her shortly with a smile on your lips before your eyes adverted back to the view in front of you. Though you weren't the only one to fall into a mud hole and all of the sudden a girlish squeal came from behind and everyone stopped in track once again.

"Who is it this time?" Mrs. Harris asked and looked over her shoulder almost irritated at this point.

"Brittany." Luke responded and made a small jump to secure you more on his shoulders, and you watched as Brittany fought the chance to get her rubber boot up from the hole, just like you had moments ago.

"What are you all looking at, someone help me!?" She exclaimed irritated and in reaction her two best friends, Alana and Loca wrapped both of their arms around Brittany and tried their best to pull her up from the mud. "Not you two! We need someone who's strong!" She fought back and tried to let go of the girls whom both backed up with wide eyes.

"Mr. Hemmings, please come help me out of this." She whined and looked over at you and Luke who seemed to have an apologizing expression on his face. "I'm sorry Brittany, but my hands are full. We can call Mr. Horton, he can get you up if the girls can't do it. He's in the front group."

"No way, I'll just do it myself." Brittany mumbled almost furious and she started to rip onto her rubber boot rather harshly and just like you predicted she lost her balance and fell backwards, landing with a loud smack onto the thick mud.

Another squeal appeared in the forest but this time it was much stronger and high pitched, leaving an echo and Mrs. Harris turned around with her eyes wide before she rolled them to the back of her head. "So help me god." She mumbled under her breath, clearly not caring and she watched as Alana and Loca tried to help Brittany up from the mud without getting into the mud themselves or touch the mud that was covering Brittany's entire body along with her face.

"I fucking hate mud and I fucking hate this forest!" She exclaimed angrily and ran a hand against her face to remove the mud that was getting in her eyes and she marched past you, Luke and Matty angrily and toward the front part of the group, clearly wanting to get home to the camp as fast as possible so she could shower and get some clean clothes on.

"Well who said this wouldn't become a fun trip." Luke said after some seconds of silence and the other students started to crack up laughing along with Matty and Luke moved his eyes without moving his head to look at you in the corner of his eye, and you tried to hold in the giggle that was ready to escape your lips.

"Now, should we get home to the camp before it gets dark and someone else falls into the water?" Mrs. Harris asked out loud and you nodded your head agreeing and everyone started to walk again, making sure to not fall and end up in the water like Brittany had done.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now