"Yeah, you're right" Jasmine said unhappy, "I'm sorry for bringing this up"

"it's ok" Karen said going back to the tomatoes, "you can talk to me about whatever you want"

"well, I just wouldn't want anybody cheating on me"

"Jasmine if you make the guy fall in love with you, he wont. Your mother made your dad like her a lot. So much you're his favorite daughter"

"I'm his only daughter" Jasmine joked.

"you know what I mean" Karen rolled her eyes, "anyways who's this guy you have to marry?"

"Spencer, the actor".

Wednesday, October 14

San Diego, California

Soriano Residence

(6:00 P.M.)

John walked inside the Soriano Residence holding hands with Bella.

"Hey John" Nick said with a smile, "glad you made it" He kissed Bella's hand, "Good afternoon Bella"

"hello Nick" Bella said with a smile, "Is Karen home?"

"She's in the kitchen with Jasmine" Nick said, "come sit". He led them into the main living room that faced the backyard.

"Nick what was it that you wanted to tell me?" John asked sitting down

"oh, yeah" Nick grinned, "Me and Jazz are going to New York for an interview"

"You lucky Dog" John said smiling back

"Hey!" Jasmine walked in brightly, "you guys are here early" She went over and hugged Bella and gave her a kiss on the cheek then she went over and hugged john, "who's a lucky dog?" She asked teasingly.

"Nick, the king of the dogs" John said smiling back

"ouch" Nick said laughing

Wednesday, October 14

San Diego, California

Soriano Residence

(6:15 p.m.)

"Hey Dad" Cody said walking inside the living room Heath walked in next to him, "this is Heath"

"Hello" Nick said, "nice to meet you"

"hey I know you" Bella said, "you're that actor Spencer"

"yup" Spencer laughed nervously, "that's me"

"where is Greg and D'vonni?" John asked right away Not wanting to hear about Karen's daytime soap operas.

"I was about to get to that" Cody sat down. "D'vonni couldn't come because she had some stuff to do in school and Greg took Elle out"

"where?" Bella asked, "I cant believe he took that girl out instead of coming here"

"calm down baby" John said squeezing Bella's hand

"I don't know" Cody said, "didn't say" he looked around, "where's Jazz?"

"Your Mother took her to the kitchen"

"poor thing" Cody said with fake pity. He was kinda glad His mom dragged Jasmine into the kitchen. He'll get to tease her about it later (insert evil laugh)

Wednesday, October 14

San Diego, California

Soriano Residence

(6:20 p.m.)

Jasmine was about to enter the living room when she stopped in her tracks, What is Heath doing here? She asked to herself.

She quickly turned around and ran to the kitchen. "Karen!" Jasmine gasped stopping, "he's here, he's here... what do I do?"

"wait a sec Jazz" Karen turned around and stared at her confused, "who's here?"

"Heath... Spencer!" Jasmine took a deep breath and let it out slowly

"He is? Why didn't you tell me?" Karen asked excitedly.

"please Karen this is not the time to be a fan" Jasmine said surprised not to see Karen jumping up and down and screaming like a fan girl.

"c'mon Jazz your future husband is here now is the time for you to seduce him" Karen said with a wink

"Karen" Jasmine said with a gasp, "do you have any idea how nasty the sounds?"

Karen gave her a you're-so-weird look, "Jasmine you're good at acting right? Well, then you go out there and act as if his presence doesn't bother you"

"but.." Jasmine said. Karen shook her head and shoved Jasmine towards the doorway.

Wednesday, October 14

San Diego, California

Soriano Residence

(6:25 p.m.)

Jasmine and Karen walked in with a smile pasted on their faces. this looks so fake, Jasmine thought.

"Hi, Welcome" Karen said to Heath, "It's an honor to have a you join us for dinner"

"Mom please" Cody said obviously embarrassed

"Thank you ma'am" Heath said with a smile, "the pleasure is mine"

"Karen Carmichael at your service" She said shaking his hand

"From the Carmichaels of Italy" Jasmine added with a nod. She had no idea why she had to add that. Sometimes she just did not think before opening her mouth!

Heath looked at her and nodded giving her a slight bow

"Karen Carmichael It's a pleasure meeting one of the Carmichael's"

"oh, no need to bow" Karen said, "why don't we go sit in the dining table? The food is already ready"

"mmm" Nick said, "cant wait"

"Karen" Bella said, "why don't you tell us a bit more about this whole Carmichael last name" she said standing up and walking towards the dining room as Bella led the way.

"oh sure" Bella said throwing Jasmine a look. Jasmine smiled and shrugged. "oh jasmine, honey" Karen said as they entered the dining room, "why don't you sit next to Heath?"

"oh, no that's ok" Jasmine said with a smile

"oh, but I insist" Karen said with sarcastic sweetness, "let's make our guest feel welcome".

Jasmine wanted to glare at Karen but one look at her and she changed her mind. Karen had won that round.

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