Angel's Light [Krinx]

Start from the beginning

"You little wench! You should've been down here by now!" He screamed while waving a beer bottle at me. Before I knew it he was in front of my face and raising the bottle over his head. Then he knocked me out with it cracking into a million pieces. I could feel some of them get caught in my hair and scratch my

But there's a fire in her eyes,

I opened my eyes slowly and blinked. I realized I was in a hospital and a worried Minx was holding my hands.

"Hey," I groaned.

"Oh thank god! I went to your house to pick you up for our sleepover but when I knock I saw your Dad and he was bloody. Then I saw you passed out behind him and blood was coming out of your head. I-I didn't know what to do so I knocked your dad out with my elbow, then went for you and then drove you to the hospital. They had to get glass out of your head and they didn't know if you would survive.

Then you went into a coma and they told me you could be asleep from 1-2 hour or 1-2 months. I was freaking out and I thought that it was gonna be years and he day they were gonna unhook you from life support you'd wake up, then we'd hug and I'd tell you my feelings and hope you felt the same way.

I would tell you all that you missed and you would hang on to my every word like it was gold. Then when you got out of the hospital I'd let you move into my house and away from your Dad, even though he isn't there but in prison. Next-" Minx started to say but I stopped her.

I was thinking of what to say. To ask. Her about those feelings she had for me, or about my dad. I just didn't know what to say, but then the most obvious question ever.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"3 hours...." Was her reply and I stifled a laugh.

"But your Dad really is in jail and I was hoping that maybe you'd live with me, and that you might return those feelings for me...?"

Walls are build to keep us safe,

I actually did move in with her, and we did exactly what she said we would. We cuddled.

Soon we both finished school and slowly we got to know each other more. In mind and body (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). It was an amazing time.

Going to school was great because she walked there with me, holding my hand and told and I quote.

"If any of you fuckfaces dare to bully or even touch my girlfriend I will rip you're dick and feed it to you or cut your boob off and superglue it to your butt. Are we clear?"

That day me and her were walking home and my bullies came strolling up to us.

"Faggots," Bitchy, oops I mean Brittany sneered at us.

"Repeat that, I couldn't hear you." Minx told the girl.


Until they come crashing down,

Minx calmly walked towards the girl. I guess she had some kinda stare but all the girls goons started running away. They were screaming bloody murder.

Brittany stayed were she was with shaking legs and a gaping mouth.

"Can you say it again? Nice and loud please," Minx asked again.

"I-I forget about it," The girl said with a shaky voice.

At this point a crowd had surrounded the girls. Mummers were going rough the crowd and everyone was looking at it like it was a tennis match.

"You sure, I mean you've already repeated it twice. Could a third time hurt?" Minx asked.

"I s-said I forget about it," Brittany said.

"Okay, but come and tell me if you remember!" Minx said in a cheery voice. When she turned around I saw a hint of the face she was making and it was scaring the absolute shit out of me. No wonder I one was standing behind Brittany. If they were they'd surely be shitting their pants.

World's apart,

We were the same until you hit the ground,

Maybe I'm crazy,

Maybe I'm weak,

Maybe I'm blinded by what I see,

You wanted a solider ,

It wasn't me,

'Cause I can never set you free..."

Minx sang to me at our wedding. I was crying. It wasn't true. It wasn't. She had been there for me since school. She helped through all the bulling and my Dad's abuse. She helped me go to college and get a job. She made sure to Skype me everyday and tell me she loved me. Minx was everything I have every wanted in a person. So care and loving. She had fixed my broken mind and sprit. She made me want to wake up in the morning to see her sleeping face or smell her wonderful cooking. She was my life and I wouldn't dare say this about her.

"So I guess your stuck with me,"

Because you said 2 simple words,

I do."

I laughed at her. Through the tears I laughed because it was true. I was now stuck with her, hopefully to never be free again. She was my light and she is lightning the dim cave my heart is in, heck both of our hearts are in.

Yo, hope you enjoyed. It is long at 1500 words and is not edited because I'm lazy. Also I have to say thank you for the 2,000 reads. Honesty never thought I make it this far.

See ya, Humans

See ya, Humans

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PS. I am the ghost. I am a beautiful ghost/marshmallow hybrid. FEAR ME.


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