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"What happened?why am I here?" I question, My voice cracking at the end. The cell goes silent.

The blue hair girl comes to my side and rubs my arm. She gives me a bright smile. Right away I smile back, even though there was nothing to smile about.

"My name is Parker" she says in a dull tone, like she's trying to pretend she's happy. She stares at me for a few seconds before the others started to talk.

"My name is Margo" The girl with White wavy hair says confidently. I never seen someone with white hair well besides people who are on the verge of death.

"My name is Mary" says the girl who has brown hair, she said it on the tinniest voice ever. She looks like one of those girls who would never hurt a fly, I wonder why she's here.

"My name is Lisa" The girl with Dark red hair says with a small smile. I awkwardly smile back politely.

"Your here if you did something against the laws or if death wants to meet you which is extremely rare" Lisa says explaining my dilemma. I didn't do anything.

"Why are you here?" I question, the cell block went silent again. Not a pin drop.

" I was born and grew up in a loving family in a poor kingdom, i lived free of worries until i was about 14 years old, but at that point life took a turn for the worst.

I lost my family in a house raid when I turned 19 but my sister and I, were the only one who survived. I was arrested for stealing bread for my little sister" Lisa says sadly, a small tear ran down her pale white skin. I am surprised that they opened up to me this fast. Margo rubs her arms in a soothing manner.

"I was born and grew up in a decent family in a merchant town, i lived free of trouble until i was about 7 years old, but at that point life took a turn for the worst.

I lost my home when it was destroyed after a food shortage and I was forgotten by everybody. Our family members starved for weeks. My mother one night died of hunger on my 19 birthday and so did my father. I was the only child, so I fed on as much as I could have. I was arrested for breaking into a kingdom. I was called 'Ghost' because I never got caught but my luck ran out and I got caught" Parker says on the verge of tears. Parker and Lisa sit down on a dirty mattress. There were only three mattresses with a small thin blankets. Many stains and holes decorated the blankets.

"I was born and grew up in a poor family in a broken kingdom, I lived without worry until i was about 11 years old, but at that point everything changed.

I lost my parents in a freak fire and I was rejected by everyone. I Reunited with a old friend with a criminal record. We did everything together mostly steal food for the children who were living in poverty. I turned 24 on the day she stole the kingdoms prized possession and blamed it on me. I couldn't even defend myself and I was thrown in here" Margo says with a sad smile. Mary looked at her with sadness and started rubbing her back.

" I was born and grew up in a high class family in a rich kingdom, i lived comfortably until i was about 11 years old, but at that point things changed. I became an outcast. I spent years stealing money and food for myself.

I destroyed someone's life by accident during a government takeover and was arrested. I was Alone, lost and forgotten, I had to survive in a bitter world alone in fear." Mary says quietly.  I never knew how much pain someone can go through from losing there parents. Mary sat down next to the rest of the girls.

"Why are you here?" One of the girls
Ask. I sigh and slowly sat down on the cold floor playing with a thread that hung from my tattered green shirt.

"It's a long story"

"We have the time, we aren't going anywhere" I snort. When are we ever going to get out of here? I sigh and laid my head on the metal bars.

I told them my life story, how my mother wasn't my real mother, how I am a princess, how I am a rider, how I found blaze. Everything that happened to me, they were very shocked to know that I was the black dragons rider.

"What's his/her Name" Lisa says excitedly. Her eyes brighten up and look at me curiously. I chuckle at her enthusiasm.

"His name is Blaze, He's a fire dragon" I say proudly. It is something to be proud of, he is my everything. He's not a trophy, he's my best friend. They all gasped in shock.

"Wow" Lisa says dragging out the 'W' looking at me in amazement. The other girls followed by stating the same thing.

"We aren't what you think we are" Parker says quietly and quickly. What does she mean? Mary, Margo and Lisa stay dead quiet.

"I'm a fallen angel" Parker says sadly and confidently. I look at her confusingly. There real? I mean I shouldn't be surprised because we do live with mystical creatures.

"I'm a demon" Lisa says looking away ashamed. I never met a demon before, it did truly scare me what they can do. Well what the myths said what they can do.

"I'm a Vampire" Margo says Her eyes went obsidian black and two white pointy fangs out of her mouth proudly. I smirk, now I met a vampire before. So it wasn't shocking to me that fangs came out of her mouth like swords.

"I'm a Werewolf" Mary says quietly. I was shocked by everyone responds, well not all.

"Rogue" Mary adds on, I nod understandingly.

"Can you maybe show me your wings?" I nervously ask Parker . Parker stood up from the mattress, she's wearing a black shirt filled with holes.

In a flash wings popped out of her back. She groaned in pain. Her wings are white but the tips are black, black feathers fell on the floor.

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