How should I tell her?

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We were in the library trying to find information on the competition. Luna and I got separated because of Jenna. I get that she likes me, but can't she see that I'm not interested? Speaking of Jenna, her idiot of a brother needs to back off. Can't he see that Luna's not interested in him?

Luna. I can't stop thinking about her. I love her, but I just need to find a way to tell her. We basically already confessed, but I want to tell her in a better way. Maybe in a romantic way. I'm not sure yet, but I should tell her soon before she loses interest.

Right now we're all sitting in a circle. Luna just came back from checking out a sound. She handed the note she found to Aki, and their hands brushed. I could see Luna blushing a little. Damnit, she needs to stay away from him. Aki smirked slightly and glanced at me. I glared back at him, but stopped when Luna sat back down next to me. I want to put my arm around her so badly, but I can't. Not yet anyway.

Now it's been about ten minutes, and no one has found anything, and no one knows what to do.

"Yui, are you sure you don't know anything? Your father is a guild master, you must know something." Jenna begged Yui for answers.

"I'm sorry, all I know is that the competition started eight years ago." Yui said.

"That's actually quite helpful." Gabe suddenly said. We all have him a confused look. "Now we can focus on the year, and we know to stay away from recent news." He explained.

"Yeah okay, but library's aren't organized by year. How do we going to find anything about eight years ago?" Tadashi asked.

"I can help." A voice said. We all looked behind us. It was McKenzie. She's definitely grown since the last time I saw her.

"Oh, hey McKenzie." Aki greeted her. Then she got hearts in her eyes like she always does around him.

"Hey Aki, I've missed you." McKenzie told him acting cute.

"Oh yeah, sorry I never got in touch. I was busy preparing for this year." He said, getting up and walking over to her.

"It's alright, we can hang out later. Anyways I want to help you guys, and I think I have some information you would find useful."

"As long as everyone is fine with it. Does anyone object?"

Everyone shook their head. I don't think anyone cares if one more person helps, I'm not sure about Luna though.

"Hey Luna, do you think it's a good idea to let her help us." I whispered to her. She didn't answer.

"Luna?" I said as i turned my head to look at her. Then she suddenly grabbed my shoulder, and all I could see was Luna falling to the ground. Luckily I was right next to her and was able to catch her.

"Luna!" I said trying to wake her up.

Everyone noticed and started to gather closer.

"What happened?" Igneel asked. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"She just fainted. I'll take her back, you guys stay here." I said, then picked her up bridal style and carried her to the arena.

When I arrived at the arena, Mira- who was waking by- noticed us immediately and she rushed over.

"What happened to her?" She asked, now walking with me as I take Luna to an infirmary.

"She fainted." I answered her.

"I'll go get Wendy." She said as she ran of in the opposite direction.

As we arrived at the nearest infirmary, I heard a voice come from the inside.

"You need to be more careful Natsu." Crap. It's Luna's parents. I can't take her to another room, it'd be a waste of time. Well, here goes nothing. I walk in, and everything goes quiet. I don't dare look in their direction. I just walk in and set Luna down on the nearest bed.

Then I was harshly pushed against the wall. Luna's father held my shirt in a tight grip.

"Natsu! Let him go!" Luna's mother yelled, trying to pull him off me.

"What the hell did you do to my daughter?" The man yelled, his grim on my shirt tightened. Dispite how terrified I was, I kept my cool.

"I didn't do anything to her. She fainted." I told him. He hesitated, but let me go.

"Do you know why she fainted?" Luna's mother asked. I shook my head.

"What were you doing?" Her father asked. I can't tell them about the research.

"We were training, and then she suddenly collapsed." I lied, hoping it sounded convincing.

"She probably pushed herself too hard." Mrs. Dragneel said, who was now sitting next to Luna.

Her father sighed. "Yeah, she must of." He then went up to Luna and took off her necklace, probably so she doesn't choke herself in her sleep. He whispered something, I couldn't hear what it was though. He then sighed and put the necklace down on the counter next to Luna's bed.

"She'll be okay, right?" I asked, my voice filled with worry.

"She'll be fine, just let her rest." Luna's father said, then left with his wife.

Now it was just me. I sat on the chair next to the bed and took Luna's hand into mine. Her hand was small, but fit perfectly in mine.

Even though we just met, I feel that I've known her my whole life. I can't help but love her. She didn't think my dream of finding my brother was dumb or impossible. She supported me fully. I love her. How should I tell her? We already confessed, but I want to tell her in a better way. And besides, the confession wasn't really a true confession. We just said we were falling for each other, which means we could lose our feelings. Hopefully I tell her before that happens.

About 30 minutes later, Mira came in to check on Luna. She said Wendy was too busy helping the injured contestants that fought in the battles today. Once Mira checked Luna, she said she would be fine, and to let her rest. I thanked her, then she left.

Just me again. I wonder what really happened. Luna couldn't have worked herself too hard because we were at the library, not training. Maybe the stress of the competition got to her.

I couldn't sit still, so I decided to look around the room. I found mostly medical stuff, and some candy for kids (which I decided to take for later). Then I saw Luna's necklace. I gently picked it up and examined it. It looks different somehow, but I'm probably just imagining things.

I eventually returned to Luna's side, with her hand in mine and my head rested on the side of the bed. What time is it anyways? I checked the clock, almost noon. I've been so worried about Luna, I didn't even realize the time. I rested my head back down, and drifted off into a light sleep.

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