New Friends and Enemies

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I can't believe they forgot me. How do they expect me to know where to go? I guess I should probably get off and ask for directions.

I quickly got off the train and started looking around. I need an information center of some sort, but I don't see one. Great. As I walked around and looked some more, I noticed that there's so many people here. Do they live here, or did they come for the competition?

"Excuse me, are you lost?" I turned around to see a boy with black hair and dark blue eyes. He was only a few inches taller than me, and looked my age.

"Umm... Yes, actually." I'm not very good with strangers. "My family should be somewhere around here." I told him shyly.

"Are you here for the tournament?" He asked. I simply nodded. He smirked. "You don't have to be shy. I'm in the tournament too." He didn't really look like a mage, but who am I to judge. "So... I could help you find your parents. I know the way to the arena. I could take you, if you want."he asked, his voice sounded very familiar.

"That would be great, actually." I said. I smiled up at him, was he... Blushing?! No, it's probably just my imagination.

"Great, come on." He offered his hand to me. I hesitantly took it. His hand felt strangely cold. Hopefully I don't burn him.

We started walking to where the arena was, and we stayed in a comfortable silence. I really wanted to say something but- again- I'm not good with strangers.

"So... What's your name." He asked, turning his head to look at me.

"Luna Dragneel." I stated. He froze in place. "You okay?" I asked.

"Dragneel, as in the famous fire dragon slayer?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." I nodded slowly. "Is that a problem?"

"No. I was just a little surprised, that's all."

"I'm surprised you didn't get it from my hair." I said, giggling a little.

"Oh, yeah... I guess I wasn't paying attention to that." He said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

We went silent and started walking again. I looked around at all the little shops and houses. This town is really big, and not to mention the huge castle and arena.

"So this is your first year, right?" I looked up and nodded. "Cool, this is my second year. I didn't make it in last year but, I have a feeling this year will be different."

Then I realized something, I don't even know his name yet. I better ask, before it gets weird.

"Hey, so... What's your name?" I asked timidly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He stopped walking and held out his hand, releasing my hand. I totally forgot we were holding hands. "My names Blake Fullbuster." I took his hand and shook. Fullbuster? That's sounds familiar, maybe dad mentioned it one time.

As we continued walking, I kept glancing at Blake. He was very handsome for his age, which I figured was 17 (since he said this was his second year). He was wearing an orange shirt, with black pants and shoes. Wait, orange shirt? I looked down at my outfit. Orange shirt. Back at his outfit. Orange shirt.

"Hey, does this mean anything? I asked, gesturing to my clothes.

"Oh, hey. Look at that. I guess we're partners. I didn't even think about looking at what color you were wearing." He laughed.

"Partners? I asked.

"Yeah, last year we were split into groups based off of magic, but that didn't really work. So this year they decided to have just partners, and based them off of skill level." He explained.

Fairy Tail The Next GenerationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora