Chapter 13

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God I really need to start reading over my chapters lol


I wake up with me by myself and slightly disappointed. Niall came in my room with a tray, eggs, bacon, Orange juice and sausage.

"Aww Ni you didn't have to make me breakfast, especially in bed." I said and he chuckled.

"Well it's your very first your and your very first day singing in front of our fans so I wanted to make you a special breakfast for a special day." He said smiling. He gave me the tray and then got his. We're sitting in silence and really it was quite nice, lately I've been pretty busy with Zack and saying my goodbyes, haven't got much quiet time.

After we finished I asked Niall to come help me pick out what o should wear tonight, you may think it's kind of weird but he's just told me to be myself. So I got my black 'SEXY LADY' shirt and red pants and put my hair in a waterfall braid.

"Well your looking cute today." Niall said. I blushed.


Louis tiredly came out of his and Harry's room looking in the fridge.

"Lou do you want some carrots?" I asked him sweetly, he missed like a little kid and say down.

I got the bag of carrots and gave them to Lou.

"Thanks mummy." I laughed.

The rest of the lads came in and I gave them a bowl of cereal. I thought to myself and how Lou said Mummy, I have been the mummy of the band this morning.

Me and Niall started making breakfast for the l lads, while Lou was munching on carrots. Shortly after we got finished making plates the lads came out on que.

"Good morning Mallory, Niall." Said Liam politely and taking his plate. Then Harry and Zayn came out following Liam's actions.

"Thank you Guys!" The four boys said together.

Niall wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my nose. "Are you excited Mal?" he asked me.

"Yes! I can't wait." We just stood there cuddling writing for the boys to get done eating. Once they had got done eating and were ready we started heading to the stage and got it ready.

"Okay Mallory, what your going to do is tell them your full name and your going to sing with One Direction and Mrs around with them you know, then sing that songs you've made in that song book of yours that I saw laying in you sir case." Zack said smiling. I nodded and not that long after they told us it was time.

"Guys on in five." said Paul repeating what the other guy had said.

All the boys went on stage.

"Hey guys! We have a special guest who is touring with us and she's going to come out and just be up here with us, trust me she can sing and she's funny you'll love her, Mallory come on out." said Liam and I did as told. The crowd screamed loudly.

"Hi guys I'm Mallory Leanne Newman and I am touring with One Direction also trying to get me some fans. So boys do you mind if I start the night one with my song?"

They all gave me a thumbs up so I grabbed the guitar and started started singing.

"All I knew," the crowd screamed the loudest ever and I continued feeling very confident.

When I finished the crowd started clapping and screaming extremely loud. I caught one girl's shout in the front, "Mallory your amazing I love you!"

And that, made my night complete.


Aww how cute! The fans are really amazing aren't they? : )

so I hope this chapter was okay and I hope I cleared any confusion with the chapters getting mixed up.. How has your guy's and been going? Well vote and comment spread the word I love all of my 127readers!!! Just yesterday I had 112! you guys are just amazing!!! xoxo


USED to be Friends ( Niall Horan FF) ON HOLDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz