Chapter 11

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"Hi Harry." I sat quietly.

He sat in my booth and started talking to me.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Good.. I-l got a r-record label with Zack as m-my manager.." I say in return.

"Oh that's amazing! When do you go on tour?"

"Two days." I whispered.

"So do we, going to America."

"I'm going on tour with another band, Zack wouldn't tell me who though... surprise he said." I shrugged.

"Well I have to tell you this now before we and you go on tour Niall is so depressed, he's been going out again to the bars.. Crying and saying he was such a coward and he knew you'd never love him. I know you do love him back and I don't understand why you pushed him away."

"I can't face him again," I said pausing.

"He hates me for rejecting him."

"No he doesn't Mallory, h-he loves you." I sighed.

"Harry I have to go ring you later our something." I said walking away from him and headed back towards home.

I dial Zacks number and he picked up on the second ring.


"Hey is there any way that we could start the tour tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure, why?"

"I don't really have anything to do tomorrow anyways, I've said my goodbyes."

"Well okay then, I'll get a hold of the other band and well get on the road tomorrow."

"Cool, thanks Zack."

I hung up and checked the time-4:00pm.. Ahh might as well go take a nap.


I wake up to my phone ringing and its Zack.

"Hey Mallory, the other band mates said it was okay to start tomorrow morning. So I need you to get up at 6am and I'll have a cab come and get you. Cool?"

"Yeah." I smiled even though he couldn't see it.

"See you tomorrow Mal."

and he hung up after that. it was 8:45pm now do I just ate a Bologna sandwich and went back to bed.



"Uhh shut up!"


"Crap!" I hit my alarm clock, put on my splattered shorts and my L<3VE shirt and curled my hair. The cab guy got my suit cases and we headed off to where every the tour bus was going to be.

I met Zack at my door. "Mallory are you ready to meet the other band?" He said smiling.


"Boys!" He said telling into the bus.

Five boys came off the bus, One Direction.


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Thanks and I love you all!!


USED to be Friends ( Niall Horan FF) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now