Chapter 8

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"Niall dragged me out of the restaurant.

"Mallory! What the heck was that?!" said Liam.

"She started it!"

"You blame everything on someone else cause it's never your fault." said Niall. Ouch.

"Well sorry I embarrassed you!"

I wasn't in the mood for arguing and I guess he wasn't either because he didn't say anything back. He was embarrassed by my actions when clearly Brittany deserved it.

Which kinda hurt.

We all got back into the car and nobody said a word. I felt my phone vibrate.

From: Zayyyynnnthesexayman

Hey, Mal he didn't mean it I'm sure..

To: Zayyyynnnthesexayman

whtev he said it n can't take it back. done talking to him.

From: Zayyyynnnthesexayman

don't be like that, he'll eventually talk to you and apologizes.

To: Zayyyynnnthesexayman


we got back to the house and I went to my room. I got my song book and my guitar and started to write. (A/N: the song Last Time by Taylor Swift)

"Find yourself at your door just like all those times before.......(skipping) this is the last time I'm asking you, last time I'm asking you this." I finished.

There was a knock on my door just as I put my songbook and guitar up.

"Come in!" I yelled. Niall walked in.

"Mallory I am sorry and I didn't exactly mean what I said." He walked towards me and I shivered.

He hugged me, "I'm doing a horrible job making it up to you aren't I?"

"No, but not the greatest." I chuckled.

"That what I thought." He sat down on my bed.

"I'm the worst best friend ever." He said sighing.

"No your not! I love you no matter what you do!" I replied.

"The lads went home to our hotel because they wanted to give us time." I sat next to him in his arms, butterflies everywhere.

Am I getting feelings for my best friend? No, that's crazy how could I like Niall?

I pushed the thoughts into the back of my mind not wanting to get in an argument with myself.

"Do you want to go watch a movie?" he asked.



We picked out a movie which neither of us were actually watching. I was cuddling with Niall, and he was twirling my hair.

My eyes starting getting heavy. I felt Niall pick me up bridle style and carry me to my bed.

"Night Mal." He says walking out of the room.

"No! Please stay."

I felt my bed sink in more and an arm snake around my waist.

about 20 mins later Niall said, "I love you Mallory." and then I fell asleep.


aww finally Nallory action <^°^>

love you guys and thank you so so so much for reading please vote and leave a comment:)))))


USED to be Friends ( Niall Horan FF) ON HOLDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum