Chapter 13

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We walked into the main hall and I stood in front of Rigeki and Kaizuke.

"The rules are simple. After we cut off the power, you have to hunt for Naku by using all of your key senses. We have rigged the entire school so there's no escaping. The only way out, winning. Seems pretty simple right?" Kiru explained.

"One problem. You'll tell him where we're gonna be. You could communicate through a Necrocircle for all we know." Kaizuke stated in a cold tone.

"Then we'll stay in the teachers lounge and Naku can hide with the others." Kiru replied with a glare.

"Fine. But no cheats." Rigeki said before creating a dagger from his own shadow.

"Very well. Cut the lights guys." Kiru ordered the other teachers and they pulled down the breakers. "You have until sunrise... I suggest you start getting serious... That's about 7 hours away."

I ran through the hallways and hid wherever I could. Before long, an arm pulled me into a classroom.

"In here." Riuyo said before I could scream.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"You'll see." He smiled.

Riuyo pulled a bookshelf and walked through the wall behind it.

"Where is this?" I asked while following him.

"This is still inside the school. It's just the west wing of campus." He replied as we walked out and into the gym.

"Oh so you were all hiding here?! You guys are so predictable." I scoffed. "We should split up and activate those traps. That is... Unless you wanna stay here while I risk my neck for you guys."

"That's not such a bad idea. It could give me the chance to get back at Rigeki." Migeki managed to say.

"We could also have a chance of throwing Kaizuke off our trail. He was really close to finding this place last time he walked through the hall." Riuyo puzzled.

"Then let's go for it." I cheered as I start running through the halls.

"He's not gonna last long if he keeps acting recklessly." Shibaki sighed.

"Either that or he's made it this far by BEING reckless." Jinriu laughed.

I accidentally run to an intersection of the hallway and stop in the very middle.

"Hm... Left... Or right?... I wonder where..." I asked myself to see where I could find some traps.

As I examined the halls I heard the ground rumbling in the left hallway and I took a moment to see what it was through the windows. After the smoke cleared up, I saw Kaizuke walking out of the classroom and turning to the stairs in the hall and going up.

"Left." I said with a gleam in my smile.

I started following Kaizuke and activated any traps that would make him get closer to the others.

"Guys, I'm sending Kaizuke towards you... Don't fail me." I said to everyone through a communication spell.

"Are you gonna help us with him?" Kuriagi asked.

"Not really. I'm gonna look for Rigeki and then I'll be on my way towards you." I laughed.

"Awww, now it's not gonna be fun. You always liven up the fights." Shibaki pouted.

"Well... You know me... I always like a good challenge or two. That's why I'm gonna face them off at the same time. All you have to do is hold Kaizuke off while I lure Rigeki in." I laughed nervously.

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