Chapter 1

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The clock strikes nine o'clock in the morning. The same old routine starts as usual. I wake up when the butler lets the maids into my room with a tray full of things for me to eat. As I eat, the maids open the curtains and make my bed. Then they leave, the butler walks in and helps me get dressed, and I go to the courtyard for a while with my instructor to take some outdoor classes.

"With what class would you like to start with today, Naku Ōji-sama (1)?" Said my instructor.

I searched through my books to find some class that would be interesting. After searching for countless times I say "Why don't we go with this one." as I pull out the book from my desk.

"Ok then. Tell me what you know about this class, just a demonstration, it can be physically or it can be a written report." said my instructor nervously.

"You seem nervous sensei (2) You think that I'll explode something?" I said to my instructor.

"Well, it's not that. It's that, when you use magic, you cast so many complicated spells and go overboard with the amount of power that the spell uses up." said my instructor.

"I can't help it. It's really hard to control magic as a hybrid. You can accidentally start using two different kinds of powers at the same time." I said as I wondered if I could use all four of my powers at once.

As I prepared for the spell casting, my instructor said, "Remember that this is just a practice spell, not a different kind ."

I focus on what to do, gently saying the spell to make the torches light up. "What about this? Was this ok?" I asked

"Wonderful. A perfect fire type spell. And you didn't burn up the place like you would normally do!" My instructor cheered.

"Then I guess that's it for today. I'm really busy today and I have to go, so, see you next week!" I said as I grabbed my things and left for the dining hall.

"Ah, yes. You are busy today. I almost forgot. Happy birthday Naku." said the instructor.

As I walked into the dining hall, I run into my father. The only thing is, out of all the people who I could run into today, it had to be my dad. It's times like this that I wonder where are the maids or the butler who's always around.

"Hello Naku. How was your lesson study?" he asks me in this tone that wants me to believe that he's an innocent father. I can't stand him.

" Fine, how are you?" I said. I knew he wanted something. He never asks about my time with the instructor. I had to pretend to be clueless to find out what he wanted.

"I want you to go to the dining hall as fast as you can. There's a present waiting for you on the table. I think you might like it. " He said.

I get suspicious and decide to check it out. When I reach the dining hall, I hear voices on the other side of the door. I grabbed both doors and pulled them wide open. Everything was dark and I couldn't see a thing. I pulled the curtain to let the light in. When I turned around, I saw my childhood friends waiting for me. It's amazing to see how much they changed.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it?" I asked as we sat down to eat. The butler came with the food and handed me a present when he left.

"It's been all presents and smiles for you today hasn't it?" Said one of the guards. I turned around and nodded smiling at him.

" The king requested you to go to his study. " Said the butler as he brought desserts. As I got up to leave, he said, "AFTER the dessert. It's your favorite. My birthday present for you." he added. I quickly grabbed the spoon and swallowed the whole thing in one try. After eating, I got up and left to go see my dad.

"You called?" I asked nervously. I was trying not to let him know that I was desperate to get out of the study and back to the party.

" You know what you are, right? You are now fourteen years old. You will be crowned king within two years. Do you know why I invited your friends here?" I thought that it would be another one of those long, time consuming birthday speeches that he usually gives me.

"I don't know. Should I ask them?" I said trying to make him say that I can leave and have fun.

" The reason was that they are each different. You know we're in control of the four clans in this world. Each of them comes from one. I decided to make them your guardians. You see, I have to send you to another place, you have to search for my friend that lives there. He's taking care of- you have a-" he stopped in the middle of his own sentence, trying to tell me something. This is what I hate about him. He's always keeping secrets from me.

"I have - what? A pet? A car? Another shopping mall? Tell me old man! What?" I said anxiously waiting for him to answer.

"You have a brother. Here's a book that explains everything in the family. Take it with you. He'll need the evidence. It would be hard for him to take it all at once. You have one year to get used to life over there. On your next birthday I will use royal sorcerers to call you back. Once you get here, you must call out to your guardians and take them back to where you'll be heading. Only then can you start your big scale search." Said my dad like the fate of the world depended on it.

"Where will I be going? I asked.

"Earth."he said in a plain voice.

"I'll try my best." I said determined that I'll be back before the deadline.

"I already got in contact with my friend over there. He said that he enrolled you in your brother's school and that you are on the same grade but not the same group. He'll be waiting for you. I'll send teachers to give you classes. That way you can feel more comfortable in the class. Good luck." he said and he used the royal sorcerers to transport me to the other dimension. I was given two years before the deadline, but how would I find someone who is supposed to be my brother? I barely even know how the guy looks. And my dad surely didn't give me a description. When I get back next year I'll make sure I ring HIS school bells. But for now I have to get used to living in this dimension.

(1) Ōji- sama is the Japanese term for Prince.
(2) sensei is the Japanese term for teacher.

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