Chapter 2

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"Majesty, where's Naku?" Asked Kaizuke Ribase, one of my friends that was at the party.

"I'm afraid that Naku got captured." Said my dad. Out of all of the excuses he could have used, he decided to tell everyone that I got captured. Did he even know that I could hear him through an inter dimensional communication spell?

"I HEARD THAT! Why can't you come up with a believable excuse? I can't believe you're capable of saying that about your own son. When I get back you better believe that I'll come after you, then YOU are gonna be the one who gets captured." I said out loud on the middle of the street. Everyone stared at me so I decided to run into the nearest place I could use to hide.

" Naku, we were expecting you." I heard someone say to me. I turned around to find a few people waiting for me." I'm one of the teachers sent here by your father. I'll be giving you home room and science. My name is Roiu Gotsuki, hajimemashite (1)." said a nice woman standing next to me.

"You too." I reply.

" I'm Reikon yamatsuki, your history teacher, Naku Ōji-sama. I'll be teaching human history. If you also have questions about your world's history, I'll also answer. Even if it means stoping the class to explain it to you." Said the man standing next to Gotsuki-sensei (2).

" Ok. Now who's my gym teacher? I know my dad would send me a gym teacher." I say as I look at the others.

" Right behind you I suppose, because your father wouldn't send your personal trainer as anything other than a gym teacher." Said one of my teachers. I looked around and found Kiru Yukuze.

" Mitsukete(3)... Kiru. I could still smell the blood on your mouth so might as well admit that you've been hunting without me. And to think that I invite you to every party in my kingdom. But... There's nothing to argue about... I don't call you Kiru just because it's your name." I say as I hug him.

" We have to get back to the mansion. You are going to stay with us while you live here. You will have your own room, a butler, a few maids, a walk in closet, a balcony, a complete set of the school uniform for tomorrow and, as your father requested, a game room, music hall, study hall, an indoor swimming pool, a dining hall with solid gold plates and diamond covered utensils, and a limo to drive you to school everyday." Said Kiru.

" Only one question. Will the butler serve sweets on a daily basis, or whenever I want?" I asked.

" Yes. He will serve sweets whenever you like." Said Reikon.

" Then what are we still doing here? Let's go, the sweets won't stay sweet if we wait here." I grab everyone and pull them to the sidewalk and started walking.

As we arrived at the mansion, we talked about how the school works. I've never heard so many rules in my life. I felt like school was gonna be one hell of a wild ride.

" I left something outside the gates. I'll go look for it. You go on ahead." I said as I opened the gate. When I bent over to pick my bag, full of the things that my dad gave me before I left, I looked up and saw the school from the top of the hill. " I can't believe that I was so stupid as to leave my bag like that." I said to myself.

" Your room is up those stairs." said Kiru.

" Thanks." I reply.

" Get ready for tomorrow. Yeah, have to wake up early for school. The butler left everything on your bed. The books, the uniform, and the sweets." Said Reikon.

" SWEETS!!!! Coming through! I have to get to those sweets before anyone else!" I say running as fast as I can to my room.

" Look out! Master is on a sweets rampage!" Said Kiru.

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