Chapter 8

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" The sun is rising. We should head back. We have a music test today." Said Rojin in a tired voice.

" Let me finish this guy off." I said in a muffled voice.

" You have a piece of his throat hanging from your teeth. I'm pretty sure that he's finished off." Replied Satori.

We go back to the classroom where we were planning about the intruder. I could honestly say that we were all really tired and that we wanted to sleep. But the moment that we caught some shuteye, the sounds of drills and hammers would echo through the halls or the bell would ring.

" Why is everything so noisy today." I growled as I scratched my left eye.

" We're building a stage. Don't you remember? The party that we were gonna have in a couple of weeks." Said Kiru as he walked up to me.

" Oh yeah. The staff party. I was going because of the cake. Can't forget about that." I reply.

I walked with the others to find the music classroom and take the test so we could get out of there as soon as possible.

" I don't want to see another test like that in my life." Said Kuriagi as he scratched his head.

We decided to hang around in the lunch room and talk about the weekend that was about to come. Later we see that the rest of the group comes out to eat.

" It's amazing that they just give us tests and let us do whatever we want." Said Jinriu as he sat down with us.

" Somehow I feel like we're almost done with the first semester. When I look back I notice that school started two weeks ago." I said.

I really had nothing to do. Everything felt like home for a moment. Until I was pulled back to reality.

" Naku! I brought ice cream. It's your favorite. I still don't know why it's red. Is it strawberry or cherry?" Asked Takira as she handed me the ice cream.

" Actually it's a family recipe. It's always made right when you order it." I say as I licked the spoon.

" Then it must be really dangerous to make. I heard a guy scream before he poured the ingredients in the ice cream machine." She said curiously.

" You have no idea." I reply, trying not to let her know my secret. I really liked her, but it would be really dangerous if she found out.

" By the way, what's it like to be a demon?" She asked.

" What?! What are you talking about? I'm not a demon. Where do you get that idea?" I asked nervously.

" Well I heard that some people call you the dancing demon since the dodgeball game a couple of weeks ago so I figured that if you could move like that then the only logical answer is that your probably a demon. Right?" She explained.

" No I'm not a demon. I'm... Just agile... Yeah that's all... Nothing more and nothing less. Anyway we have to go to class. I just hope that since you believe in something like that, you might keep your mind open to the other possibilities. It's something that I want to tell you but I can't. And if you find out then you might get yourself into dangerous situations." I say as I tried to avoid spilling out the secret.

We sit down where we normally sit but this time, Migeki sat in front of me and Rigeki sat behind me.

" Well class, today we're gonna be studying the dark side of history and myths. So let's start with vampires shall we?" Said the teacher.

I quickly glanced at Riuyo with the corner of my eye to see how he was reacting to this. He was really paying attention. I knew that if the teacher got something wrong, it would be the last mistake of his life. Takira noticed that I was feeling a bit unsteady and started writing everything that the teacher said in a blank page with the title saying "possible answers to what Naku really is" written in highlighter.

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