«S.T.A.R. Labs»

Start from the beginning

Gwen pulled away, but Barry held her still. What was with him touching her, she thought. She looked at him directly in the face and as she studied his green eyes and the curve of his lips, she saw the resemblance of the thing that attacked her.

"Hey, we are here to help-" Barry said, but Gwen brought back her left arm and made the biggest fist she could and released a punch that had some quake in it and she punched him across the face. He fell to the ground and landed on his back with a big groan.

"Oh my gosh, Barry!" Caitlin said and Gwen shot her eyes towards her. "Help him and you're next!"

Dr. Wells gestured for everyone to settle down. He rolled his chair closer to the bed and sighed.

"I know the past few days it was easy for us to talk, but I came to you, because I know what you went through that night. I know that when the particle accelerator exploded you saw that light and it came towards you and you haven't been the same since. You're a meta-human Gwendolyn. Your body reacted to the dark matter in the explosion and it gave the gift to manipulate kinetic energy and with our help you can use it for good."

Gwen had a dead pan expression and she was so angry from the words she was hearing.

"Oh my gosh. This has to be a joke. A complete joke! I thought you were just a  narcissistic man who thrived power! I was going to help you, but now I see you just came to me, because you want me to be on your little super hero team! Well, listen here Dr. Wells. I did change that night and I am scared to death of things I can do. I have lost relationships and a job, because I had to seek help! I have help and I am getting it by stopping my powers."

Barry got off the floor and he held his jaw that was crooked in his palm and with a quick snap he popped it back in. He was not really angry with her, more considerate that he deserved that.

"Gwen... We are all sorry we did this to you. Believe me, but Dr. Wells knew you wouldn't just come willing so we had to show you that your powers can be used to help people. To stop bad people who hurt good people..." Barry said while holding his jaw. His eyes gazed down at her wrist. "Now, how about you relax and let Caitlin fix your arms."

Caitlin smiled and Gwen looked at everyone and saw Cisco in the back with his chin in his palm and his back arched so he could rest his arm on his stomach. He was thinking and looking at her wrist.

"Fine..." Gwen mumbled. "Just don't destroy my braces. I need them."

Caitlin nodded and brought her right arm on medical table. "You wear these, why?"

Cisco stepped around Dr. Wells, "They're to pull the kinetic energy back in, instead of out. Who designed these?"

Gwen had a grim expression. "A friend... They are just a prototype and don't really work that well, but they ease the pain. So, don't destroy them!"

Cisco smiled. "That's brilliant. You're brilliant! This whole situation is brilliant!"

"Yes, Cisco. But if Gwen is not on board with us helping her. Caitlin can bandage your arms and you can leave. I enjoyed our meetings, Gwendolyn. I am terribly that this situation has caused you harm." Dr. Wells nodded his head as a goodbye and started to roll his chair out of the room. Barry glanced at Gwen and then followed Dr. wells out of the room.

"Elijah was right..." Mumbled Gwen and she wanted to tell him that he was, but she couldn't tell him about anything without releasing her secret.

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