I hat-

I curb the thought inside.

Afternoon sun was bright when just came in to dull everything.

Why is he early?

"We're going shopping?"

He grabs me.

I look at my mother in law,say no.

"Take her wherever you want to,any ways her existence in this house nothing like a daughter in law of a house"


It's so often I'm showered with this that I'm more numb than sad.

I went out with him.

He takes me to places every weekend, sometimes between a week.

But I'm really off to these stuff.

But its a relief today to just be out of that caged.

Oh oh no I was never that girl,

I became this.

We went shopping for me as said by him but he's on his phone.


He orders.


I pick a few things.

He's all 'whatever' to every single thing I pick.

I just touch a fabric and he stuffs it the trolley.

"I don't like it!"

I snatch.

"Why are you touching things you don't like!?"


I'm so done.

We went for dinner.

He orders and pushes the menu towards me.

We silently ate.

Our way home it was a usual outing.

But back home it isn't.

"You don't like going out with me?"

Oh he's getting deep.

No be rude.

"No it's good....ugh..I'll just see how aunt's doing"

"No,mum's sleeping!"

He pulls me closer.


"Seher don't you feel free now?"

Well no.


"Because you can eat what you want, speak,swear,wear,spare,burp whenever you want!!!"

"What is wrong with you?"


Ya Allah! Started.

"Okay,tell me if I'm Romantic?"

Huh no.

He can't speak words properly.

No he's not Akbaran.

"I'll just sleep"

"Why are you so boring? Am the rude one?! Really?"

Let me pass.

"We'll go to your dear mother's house tomorrow, Say fuck yes!"

No way.

I shake my head.

EVERYTHING I'VE NEVER WANTED {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now