Chapter 2

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"So, what have you been up to Katey?" Mae asked, tossing a french fry in her mouth, I looked at her with a huge, fake smile plastered on my face.

"Oh... nothing much, sleeping. Today I found my dress." I said, nibbling on my salad, after two bites of it, "I'm done." I explained after Connor glanced over at me. I scooted over, dying to get away from this awkwardness.

"You didn't eat anything." Connor said, grabbing my hand stopping me from going outside.

"I wasn't hungry." I pulled back a little, not liking the side of Connor I was seeing right now.

"I don't care, you are going to sit down, I'm going to get you a hamburger and you are going to eat it, Katelyn." Connor said, standing up motioning for Alex to hold my arm. "You're causing a scene."

"Connor, I am not going to eat it, I am not, and you can't make me. And don't call me Katelyn."

"Katey, don't make me make you eat, I will if I have to." He said, his hair falling infront of his eyes I narrowed my eyes.

"I want to go home, okay Connor?" I said, he dropped my arm and I stormed off.

"Fine, go home. I don't even care." Connor said behind me. "You're not my Katey."

"Well, you aren't my Connor so who cares?"

"Noone." He said, as I pushed through the door, into the rain.

"I'm taking the car home." I said, "Get Alex and Mae to bring you."

I crossed the parking lot, the rain pelting down on me, it was coid and each time a new drop hit it felt like I was being stung. I opened up the door of the car and slid in, I reached into my purse and pulled out the keys and my phone. I stuck them in the ignition, the car purring happily. I backed out slowly, "Hey mom." I said, "I'm coming home."

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