Chapter 12

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Katey's POV

I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. I didn't even know where I was, or how I got here. This wasn't my room. Panic spread over me as I started freaking out, thinking about the Taken movies, until the knocker yelled, "Housekeeping!"

"I, uh, I'm good. Thank you though." And just like that she was gone. I quickly rolled onto my side to glance at the alarm clock. I was beyond surprised to see that the clock read 10:30 am, meaning I had slept entirely through the night. I had slept about 15 hours. Connor drama just exhausts me.

I had so many things I wanted to do, but no idea what to do first. I could always do the tourist thing and head straight to the beach. My stomach growled, well, not straight to the beach. But first things first, I have got to get out of bed. I gripped the sheets, thinking about getting up, but within five minutes I was asleep again.

After I finally managed to wake up I hurried to the closest restaurant to find me something to eat. I was absolutely starving.

Luckily, the restaurant wasn't very crowded, the lunch rush was over and the dinner rush hadn't began. It didn't take very long for the waitress to bring out my food. I quickly shoveled it down, realizing I was hungrier than I thought I was. I had grabbed a pamphlet from the hotel to look through while I was eating. Brighton didn't seem to lack options, in fact, there was so many I was overwhelmed.

After much debate and even more Mac and cheese, I decided to go to the Royal Pavilion instead of the beach today. Maybe a little culture and history could soothe my wandering mind. Maybe something would rid all my problems from my mind.


I plopped down on my bed, grabbing my phone for the first time today. I pressed the unlock button only for the screen to illuminate with what looked like hundreds of missed notifications. 15 missed phone calls from Mae, Mom, and Connor, 20 texts from Mae and Alex, and a bunch of candy crush request from my dad. I put my phone back down, not sure what to say to anyone and definitely not wanting to play candy crush. Connor knew where I was... Well, he knows that I wasn't kidnapped, that's fair enough. Anyone that's truly concerned knows how to reach him.

I laid back on the bed, after 6 hours of my mind being almost worry free, everything rushed back. I should've known I couldn't just will them away, these feelings were just too strong.

I didn't know what I had done to deserve this. You do know, my mind yelled, you left him. I knew that ultimately that was the truth. I created this whole situation, I was the only one to be blamed, I couldn't handle that.

I wanted to call Connor, beg for him to take me back. I wanted to do everything in my power just to get him back, I didn't want to stop trying and fighting for him. I grabbed my phone, automatically going to call him back in some pathetic attempt that wouldn't end the way I needed it too. Before my pride got the best of me the phone began ringing.

"Katey? Is everything alright?" Connors voice rang in my ears, it was laced with worry.

"I'm sorry." I cried out, sounding so pathetic, my pride began taking over, a lump rising in my throat, preventing me from speaking.

"Where are you? What's wrong, Katey baby." I couldn't answer, I just cried. I didn't expect him to be worried, I didn't expect I actually had a chance. I had literally flew across the Atlantic to come win him back, and I never even felt I had a chance with him. He didn't have a reason to love me, he didn't choose me, I was picked for him. Yet here he is, choosing me.

His voice brought me back from my thoughts, after what must have been minutes of him listening to me sobbing over him. "Katey, tell me where you are, sweetheart."

I know I wanted a vacation, I wanted to be alone, but Connor sounded like the old Connor again. I wanted to be near my Connor. "I'm in Brighton." I sniffled, quickly telling him where I was staying.

"Okay, you have to stop crying. I'll see you soon." And with that he hung up.


I woke up yet again to knocking on the door, except this time I knew exactly who it was. I scurried out of bed, throwing the door open with no hesitation. Connor stood there in a white t-shirt and jeans, he pulled me in the second our eyes locked. I was engulfed in him, his scent, his arms, Connor was holding me.

"Katey, I'm sorry." He whispered into my hair, kissing the top of my head. "I'm sorry about her. I'm sorry I treated you the way I did."

"I'm sorry." I didn't have to list the thousand reasons I had to be sorry. I don't think I could in the first place. I just wrapped my arms around him tighter, hoping that was good enough for him.

He slowly let go of me, only to take my hand and lead me to the bed. He sat down, leaving me standing. He kissed my knuckles. "You're my constant. I thought of you every single second you were away. I wished you were with me. Although I definitely tried to drown my sorrows in alcohol and... Well you know, I wanted nobody but you. I promise, I will never hurt you again, Katey. Please let me be your boyfriend, not fiancé."

Our entire relationship we were engaged, but this time we could choose our relationship. "I want you to be my boyfriend, Connor. I want to be able to be your girlfriend." I nodded, knowing I was definitely crying, even Connor had tears rolling down his cheeks. In that moment I knew, I never want to be anything other than his.

A/N: After almost a year of no updates (oops, it seriously felt like maybe 3 months tops) you finally see what happened with Connor! This definitely isn't the end. I've been rolling over some thoughts in my mind about who Katey will end up with/Connor's baby/Alex and Mae's relationship, I'm pretty excited. Thank you for reading. Thank you for not hating me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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