Chapter 10

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Connor POV

I knew that I shouldn't have said that to Katey. I should've waited to tell her, or at least waited until I hadn't just told her that sleeping with her was a mistake, or maybe not have told her while she was sobbing in the shower. Honestly, I couldn't have picked a worse time to tell her. I know that she would never have acted differently to this news than she did. I sighed as I sat in my car in the garage.

Why was I sitting in my car, but not actually driving anywhere? Because I'm am idiot. I was too afraid to leave after hurting her this badly, but I didn't want to be here.

I looked down at my phone in hopes of it distracting me, but I had a text from Alisa. 'What are your thoughts on abortions?' I cringed.

'I just lost two babies to a miscarriage, if you don't want this baby, too bad. I want this baby.' I texted back as quick as my fingers would allow. Just the thought of my innocent baby being murdered made my blood boil. This is one of the reasons I love Katelyn, she would want this baby so much.

Katey deserved a baby, I knew after that talk last night that was all that she wanted. She just wanted her babies to be alive. She honestly would've been the most incredible mother. She has so much love in her heart. I frowned at the thought of her crying alone in the shower over the fact that I got a do over on the babies that we lost and she didn't. I hate myself.

I slowly made my way back to our bedroom, I could hear her shuffling around. It sounded like he was getting ready. This is always how she sounded when she was getting ready in the mornings. It was a sound I missed. It was like I could hear the clothes being piled on the floor and her sighing at every outfit she picked up. My love for her ran so deep that it terrified me. I didn't want to love her like I did.

I opened the door to reveal her in jeans and a hoodie, sitting on the floor digging through the boxes from the closet. "I was faithful to you." She said, she didn't have any emotion in her voice. It was just raspy and tired. "In America, after I left, I thought of only you. The entire time. My ex-boyfriend called me everyday. He tried for me. You didn't. You let me go so peacefully. I wanted you too."

I knew I couldn't argue with that. I just let her go. I never even said goodbye properly. I never said hello properly either.

Katey's POV

I cried enough for a day. I just sat in front of the closet. I started pulling out the boxes that I had brought here just to see what I could find. A lot of it was stuffed animals, all of which I definitely thought I couldn't survive without, but this was the first time they had made it out the box. Not that important, apparently.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and then the door opening slowly. I paused what I was doing. "I was faithful to you." I stared intensely down at the ugliest stuffed dog I had ever seen. "In America, after I left, I thought of only you. The entire time. My ex-boyfriend called me everyday. He tried for me. You didn't. You let me go so peacefully. I wanted you too." I tossed the toy onto the pile of useless plush animals.

I waited for a reply, but I didn't get one. He just sat beside me, looking through all the toys. Wordlessly he would grimace or chuckle at them, depending on how ugly they are.

"So, a baby?" I whispered to him.

"She doesn't want it. She messaged me about getting an abortion." I gasped, I know she knew what we had just went through and that she was honestly thinking about letting his third child die as well. I knew there was a reason to hate her. "I told her I wanted it. She honestly doesn't even have to be part of the baby's life. I don't actually care about that, I just want that baby."

"Good for you." I actually meant it. Even when I was pissed at Connor, I had to admit, he had a good heart.

We just say quietly for what felt like an hour, until his phone rang. His tone was panicked. "No, stop. I'm on my way." He stood up rushing out the door. I didn't have to ask to know what was happening.

A/N: I updated again! Surprise! I was really feeling this chapter. I know it's super short. I apologize. Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, please.

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