Chapter 8

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My heart sunk into my stomach, words became difficult to understand. Everything was basically a huge blur. I kept stuttering, not even actual words. Just stuttering and crying, sounding incomprehensible. How could he reject me? My mind jumped in to remind me I had done the same to him countless times, and boy did that make me feel guilty. Him not wanting me was the worst pain I've ever experienced. I turned on my heel and walked away, just not wanting to feel his stares on me as I sobbed, I wanted him to comfort me. Selfish, I know.

When I got to the guest room I collapsed on the bed. My mind was screaming that I was completely stupid and a total idiot. Coming here was stupid. I don't know why I had gotten my hopes up. I could hear muffled voices coming from downstairs, Connor hadn't left which was surprising. I sighed incredibly hard and wiped the tears from my face.

I sat up. Sniffling as I walked over to the door and peaked my head out to here what was being said. "...Been a mess without you." Alex said, as I heard a loud bang.

"And you damn well know you've been a mess without her as well." Mae yelled, I cringed as I thought of the bitch named Alisa.

"She left me, don't act like I did anything to her. She cut me out! She left me to mourn by myself. All I did was try to make her happy. And I'm the bad guy when I fend for myself." He screamed, I shrunk back a little.

"She's trying. She came back for you, she left her family for a second time because of you. She is choosing you." I started walking out of the room, tiptoeing down the stairs.

I listened closely for Connor's reaction to that, "I can't get hurt like that again. I made this decision for me." I turned to enter the kitchen.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I can't do that again. I'm so sorry I did the first time." I stood beside Mae, she put her hand on my arm.

Connor looked at me for a second, he really studied me. I didn't know what to do so I just looked at my feet. "We weren't even meant to be. We just happened to be forced together by our parents."

My head shot up, so I was looking him dead in the eye. "Yes we were. Things don't just happen for no reason." I argued, I couldn't stand if he messed this up.

Connor sighed, "Katey, they do. Not everything has a purpose. Not everything is a sign that we were meant to be. More often than not, I believe they're signs that we shouldn't be." W

"You proposed to me. You wanted us to be married. You were not forced to do that, you weren't forced to do anything you did. Your parents didn't make you love me!" I grabbed his hand. "You wanted it. We both did."

He rolled his eyes, "I was going to be stuck with you anyway. I just made my life easier." His words sliced me like a razor, but he didn't move his hand from mine.

"Alex, Mae, can we have a moment?" I looked at them, waiting for them to leave, which they did. I looked at Connor. "You loved me."

"Loved." He argued.

"You can't tell me that if you woke up next to me in the morning you wouldn't be happy?" I asked, praying that the answer would be what I want.

"Maybe. I would be but I don't want to be. I don't want to be happy with you and I'm not gonna do something I don't want to." He sighed, "We have a chance to move on and found love for ourselves. This is what we want. I want to find someone on my own terms. I don't want the girl picked out for me. I don't want you."

"I'll find someone so much better than you could ever be." I whispered. "But I want to stay at my house. It's ours." I stomped my foot and yanked my hand out of his. "I'm going to pack."

"Whatever. Two can play at that game." We both walked out of the kitchen.


I walked into the house. I smiled as I walked straight to my bedroom, knowing that he was right behind me. I hopped on the bed, splaying out. "Get off my bed." He protested.

"It's mine, I always slept here, honey." I snuggled into my pillow.

"Whatever." I smiled as he walked out of the room. This boy was in for the time of his life. He doesn't have room to do as he pleases anymore. I'm getting him back whether he likes it or not.

So, I have a plan for this story. A hint in song form is "Your Bed" All Time Low. Comment what you think is gonna happen and who between.

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