Chapter 6

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I am proud to call you my daughter you forgave you father and brother, you showed who you are you broke out of your shell I love you angel and I will always watch by the way new tattoo coming up, your strong and intelligent.
I woke up as fast as I could. I felt a cold freeze come in but the windows are closed and all I thought about was my mother. I went to the restroom to wash my face, dried it with a towel and went back to sleep.
My angel you will feel sick tomorrow but don't worry it cuz of your tattoo, you got this, okay I got to go see you some day angel.
"Anna wake up, we have school today," with that my eyes open. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach and head that I ran to the restroom and threw up. Brian helped me by grabbing my hair back.
"Come on let's go to school," I said.
"No Annabelle you are staying here and rest no school for you," he said.
"Fine," I said then went back and laid down on my bed. "Bye Anna," he said. "Bye Brian," I said. He kissed my forehead and left.
Brian's p.o.v:
Poor Annabelle that's all I thought as I left her room. "Hey son where's Annabelle," our dad said. "She's not going to school today, her head is burning and she woke up throwing up so I made her to sleep and rest," I said. "Okay then tell Anna if she doesn't feel well tomorrow then no school for her, I will be gone for four days behave and no party's only two friends over and no bother your sister, there is 500 dollars in the jar,okay that's all bye son," dad said.
"Bye dad," I said. MINUTES LATER :
"BYE ANNA SEE YOU AFTER SCHOOL CALL ME IF THERE A PROBLEM," I yelled. "OKAY," I heard Anna say in a weak voice. Okay now school.
Anna's p.o.v:
Jesus take the wheel take me from inside cuz I can't do this anymore I'm letting go Jesus take the wheel take it take it from me

Hey angel your doing great tomorrow there's another one coming sorry for the pain and sickness that's how life has to go take care I will be here tomorrow you can look in the mirror now and it's gonna start again sorry honey.

Mom I thought yup that's was mom. I got up and ran into the restroom and look in the mirror. Wow that all I have to say it's special, perfect and incredible. I change into a long sweater to hide the tattoo and short-shorts . I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen. I got a cup of noodles and sat and ate. As I ate I heard noises coming to the front door then Brian and my bully Jack came in.
"Hey Anna feeling better," My brother said. "A little," I answered then turned back into my soup.
"Hey Anna," Jack said with a smirk on his face. "Sup," I said back. Awkwardness. "Jack lets go play video games," Brian said. "I'll catch you up in a minute," Jack said to Brian and Brian left. Bastard I thought. I got out of the seat and walked to wash my plate or bowl.
Jack came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pushed me onto him harder. "Annabelle you look fine," he said with a smirk on his face. "What do you want Jack," I asked. He ignored my question and started kissing my neck making me moan softly and lowly. He pushed my onto him even more which made him moan too. "Jack are you coming," we heard Brian yell. "Ya man I'm going," Jack yelled back then back to lower his hand to my ass making my turn around and whisper/ yelled," wtf." He attacked my lips into a slow but passionate kiss. "Jack stop," I said lowly for us to here. "For now," Jack answered then kissed me again then left. WTF JUST HAPPEN.
Jack left a few hours ago so the was awkward till then I know he told my brother about this cuz he has been telling me about oh so what do you think about Jack and shit shit shit.
Jack's p.o.v:
When I saw Annabelle with short- shorts, she looked hotter than ever, you see I only bullied her cuz I like her see she never noticed me but only as a school player. I liked her since 3 grade and now I have kissed her lips, I felt sparks going to my body it was amazing.
Brian's p.o.v:
Time to play Cupid. Operation jackbelle together.
Annabelle's p.o.v:
I heard a knock or I should say is rock being thrown on my window and saw it was Jack. What is he doing here it's 7 clock at night I thought.
"What," I said to him. "Move over in coming in," he said. "What no," I said. "Please," with a puppy face. "Fine." I sat on my bed not looking at him. He locked my door then came over to me. "What do you want," I asked annoyed. He looked at me from up to down. "My eyes are up here retard," I said. "Don't call me a retard angel." I rolled my eyes that him. I just looked at what I'm wearing a sports bra and short-shorts. I looked up to see Jack is still staring at me up and down but I little bit to close. "So beautiful." "Thanks I guess." He was inches away from me and...............
Yay or nay
See ya batman

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