Chapter 14

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You miss me hell naw you didn't so to torture us here's a new chapter.
3 months later:

"Come on Annabelle please I didn't mean to, I was drunk and stupid, I love you only you," Jack said as tears ran down his eyes. Okay let me tell you, we got invited to a party, yes a party anyways he HAD SEX WITH A OTHER GIRL and I saw him. "No Jack not this time, I think we need a break," I concluded and left. I walked to the park, sitting down on the bench as tears came down my cheeks. Jack you broke me, I thought to myself. It felt like hours that I was sitting on that bench, I got up and went home because my brother and father would be worried.
"Holy crap Annabelle where have you been," Brian asked worriedly. "Out for a walk," that all I said then run up to my room. I called dad and told him," hey dad," "yes." "Can I go to music camp for a month is that aright." "Sure sweetie you can go." "Okay thank bye love you dad." "Love you to daring." From that the line went dead. Time to pack.
40 minutes later:
I got to take him out my mind for a while.

At music camp:

"Hello students is any one ready for music camp," the lady yelled into the microphone. "Okay then would anyone be brave enough to come upstage to sing a song." "Anyone." No one raised their hands. "Come on." "Okay you." She chose me.
I said no thank you to her. "Come one." "Okay you know what fine," I said.
So small by Carrie underwood
What you got if you ain't got love
The kind that you just want to give away
It's okay to open up
Go ahead and let the light shine through
I know it's hard on a rainy day
You wanna shut the world out and just be left alone
But don't run out on your faith

'Cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
And what you've been out there searching for forever
Is in your hands
And when you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else seem so small

It's so easy to get lost inside
A problem that seems so big at the time
It's like a river that's so wide it swallows you whole
While you're sitting around thinking about what you can't change
And worrying about all the wrong things
Time's flying by, moving so fast
You better make it count 'cause you can't get it back

Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
And what you've been out there searching for forever
Is in your hands
Oh, and when you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else seem
So small, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
And what you've been out there searching for forever
Is in your hands
And then you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else
Oh, it sure makes everything else a seem
So small

Yeah, yeah

"Happy now," okay I sound like a bitch. "Yes I am, how was that people." I heard a lot of cheers going on. "Okay then," I said with a smile on my face, I think I'ma love it here.

A months later:

"Holy shit Annabelle is that you," Brian asked. "No it's Casper, yes it's me." "But you hair is blonde." "Oh would you look at that yup it is." "Oh god Annabelle." "Can we go now." "Sure come on."

20 minutes later:
"How's school." "Boring without you." "Awe how long did you have that inside of you." "Since a week ago." "Oh god I almost forgot," I took a bracelet out and gave it to him. "Good luck charm." "Thanks Anna."

Next morning:
"Umm Annabelle please don't get jealous of Jack he's with a slut." "Awe he moved on," I said jumpy. "Okay better than I thought." "What I have a boyfriend too, call the couch." "Oh god, good thing you said that I would beat him if he hurts you." "Alright man."
"She's back."
"How." "She's hot." "Wait is that Annabelle." "Slut." "Whore." "Call dibs." "Aww man." "No I do."
"Ugh I'm hate school already." "Cheer up Anna." "Fine Brian." "Okay see you after school." "Sure sure sure bye." I ran to the office, they hand me a new schedule. "Can I see the principal please." "Sure sweetie." "Thank you miss." I knock on the door. "Come in." "Hello principal William." "Hello...." "Annabelle." "Hello Annabelle." "I came to apologize for yelling to you and my guidance counselor, I assure I will never do that and I might prank the sluts in this school to put them in there place can I," I asked. "Sure but you have 2 day detention for that god I need someone to put them in their place thank Annabelle thanks and now you are my favorite." "Thank I think." The bell rings. "Well I have to go to class bye principal William." "Do you want anything to drink before you leave." "What you have." "Your choice." "Pepsi." "Here you go." "Thanks principal William." "No problem new daughter." I smiled as I went out the door and went to the same lady who gave me my schedule. "Can I have a pass please." "Sure sweetie." "So how your life been so far." "Fine I wish I had a daughter like you." "Aww thanks." "Here you go." "Thanks and can I call you mom." Tears came done her cheeks and nodded. I went to hug her which she hugged back. Principal William comes out. "Honey you alright,"he asked. Okay umm how to explain this they are married i know what you thinking oh my gosh, they have no kids cuz they can't have any. Sad I know. "Nothing, it just this girl what's me to be like a second mom to her and I said yes," she said with a smile on her face. "Thank you Annabelle for making her happy." "No problem second dad, I got to go, I am already late bye mom and dad, thanks for the soda. I hug them, they hugged back, I kissed second mom's cheek and left. I overheard," I like her as a daughter William I do." "Me to Mary. Me too."
AWWW I thought.
Brian is a man whore okay I said it byeeeeeee

Words better left unsaid Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora