Chapter 1 - "New"

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Author's note: Hey guys this is my first book so I thought I should share it. I hope you like it. Please NO copying of my material and NO rude comments. I hope you guys like it and give me a Like ^^. DO ENJOY!!!

WHO. Am. I.

"Society", mere images that move along the air, colored or plain and clear. Ones that stand out and the ones not noticed. Oiled and shined with the sun and ones dry and masked like a clown. Inner beauty seems to be unnoticed by its owner but the ones that show it are criticized. This is society at its beastly form. Stand at the center and you will see this beast at its best.

She lived like a flower beautiful and free, a simple blood red rose that gaze at the sun's delight with the piercing black like thorns that drills within the earth. She was one of the few flowers in the garden- in the world-. 'May' that was her name. Her long brown hair that turns gold in the sun when it's frizzy, light brown eyes that no one could read and her brown fair silky skin that felt like it had swallowed all of nature's moist and the air's softness. This was her, she who was - maybe mere - a bright angel that brightened many lives. With such beauty she lived in a small two story home not much poor but striving as time went on. A small brick home painted the color of a lively cloud but this image is only the outside, all the struggles can only be seen on the inside. Not yet finished as the rich with ceiling, air conditioning, new furniture and parcels that glittered at every turn, NO - this was not it - yet it was simply a dream.

Although she seemed free she was chained to life but life seemed very unsteady- tight at times but a little loose at other times- you could have never told which day this change was made. She was a daughter of Grace and Charles - simple lovers but different traditions torn them at times. Grace her mother was a beautiful dark -skinned and independent lady, her dark brown hair that gave her a glow and a smile that can bring joy - she had a built body and she always took pride in her life and her family. Charles her father was a man of different traditions - a fair-skinned man, slowly collecting his grey hairs, with his brown eyes but very supportive at times-.

"May!", her mother shouted. 

"Yes Mother?" she answered with a smile

"I hope you and your brother are ready for school."

"I am getting him ready mother"

"Just don't be late for school okay."

"Yes mother."

That bright golden look in her eyes always made her seem so-astonishing- and alive in many ways. She set out that morning with her younger brother who so young and immature sadly didn't understand life but even so she tried to instill it in him. A meaning of life that she imagined but never understood herself.


After dropping off her brother she departed for school, she walked along the lonely road leading to her school when she felt a mysterious shiver in the wind and all she saw was a dark shadow that simmered under a tree... then she blinked her eyes and it was gone. She ignored it as the mere imagination filled her mind each day of a life she wanted and the non reality she wanted to live. However, she kept on going as the strong independent woman she was.


She was at the school gate and she stopped, it was the sixth year in her high school life, "The Big Six" and as she took a deep breath and put her right foot forward - she was prepare. Everyone knew her and she knew everyone... so she thought.


Upon walking in her class new faces filled the air, few but overwhelming, being so accustom of the old faces the new ones - felt true and fearful - she sat alone avoiding everyone and trying to ignore the world - not noticing a soul -. It was like the true May had disappeared. Her best friend did not attend school that day. She survived the day and went home and she had thrown herself on her bed and her eyes glanced to the left of her. 'So you're staring me down just wanting to know aren't you?' she said questioning the pink and blue covered diary on her desk. She slowly walks up to her desk and begins writing.


Dear Diary,

My first day of the big six was completely terrible. I froze up and refused to socialize with anyone mainly because I am not much a social person but many people would consider that a lie. I thought that I was ready but just as every first day of a new class I get the same mixed emotions. It was like I didn't notice anyone I was more caught up about being the drag this year. I have too much problems in my life to think about being social. I do hope tomorrow would be better and from now on I shall make a promise to myself for I will be the complete opposite of my usual self I will not smile, "hold it in and never show - the pain inside is for me to know".

Who. Am. I


As she awoke to the blissful sound of the morning birds that chirped in delight, she felt an ease in the air. A smile quickly brushed across her face and then she knew it might just be a wonderful day.


She begins her morning with her usual routine and she drops her little brother off to school then heads straight for her school. As she sat in class the bell rang and she headed off to the assembly. Everyone stood still and sparkled with intelligence and they closed their eyes to pray. But as May closed her eyes she felt a sudden darkness fall upon her it was as if she was being watched by someone but she paid no mind to it.


Everyone went to class after the assembly and she tried her hardest to avoid the world like she wanted to but she was back to her own self. She smiled at the world with an open heart. She shuffled through the class and filled the air with giggles and very humorless jokes but even so they all laughed. She was the free spirited May as she once were and she was happy to put the smiles on everyone's faces. Bell rang and once again for class to began, it was the last three periods of the day. As she sat there daydreaming she felt that watchful eye upon her once again. Even though it felt like it was stranger than before  she ignored it once again, she thought maybe it was just her imagination. As she was about to set back off into her day dreams the bell rang for the school's dismissal and she quickly ran out the class. She caught up with her friend and then walked home.


When she arrived she hugged her mother and father then giggled quite loudly. They seemed shocked and quite amazed by her smile but they enjoyed it. She ran to her room and began writing in diary.


Dear Diary,

I know I said that I would be a drag for the rest of the term but I wasn't quite able to keep up with that. I really don't know why, but at least I can possibly fulfill my last promise which is to keep all my problems to myself and maybe that can lessen everyone else's problems. That way they won't have to worry about me much. I try to be more strong and independent in the eyes of everyone so that they won't have to worry about me. Anyway today was okay I tried to smile alot and as usual put on this happy girl act. But today I felt a bit weird though mainly because I felt like a set of eyes were upon me and staring at me for some reason. Normally people would think it is quite scary and uncomfortable but to me it didn't feel that way. It was warm and comforting and filled with a somewhat darkness but I felt a connection to it. Those few minutes of warmth was enjoyable and it felt as though it was longing for me. I never felt that way before. It was like it was longing for me and I longed or it, maybe I am mad or maybe I am one step close to insanity but it felt real and I think I wanted to be close to it. Am I Crazy?

Who. Am. I.

Author's Note: Hey! Leave a comment and tell me what you think so far.

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