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Grace's POV
Recap: I finally got the courage to read the texts Jacob sent me. They said...
"Grace" "please answer me" "grace" "stop ignoring me" "let me explain" "I'm sorry, but it wasn't me" "grace plz" "I'm telling the truth" "it really wasn't me" "grace I'm your best friend" "please answer me" "I really didn't send those". Those were all from Jacob. I wanted to believe him. I really did. But how could I? And how could they not been from him if his phone sent them? The texts were sent two and a half hours ago. It was around eleven here. It was probably not that much later in Australia. I'm a tough girl. I can build up walls stronger and higher around my heart then anyone else. I was voted basket ball MVP for my school after I basically destroyed my opponents in a championship game. I've won at least 90% of the boxing matches I faced. And now I have people I can lean on and trust. If could do all of this and had those people. Surely I can text somebody back... Couldn't I?i took a deep breath... Then looked at everyone... I was about to text him back when I realized I didn't know what to say. I thought
And thought
And thought
Then I typed, "sure Jacob. You didn't send me that. A ghost did. The ghost that knew how to break me. Send me the only type of pictures and words that could make me pass out which developed into a coma. It wasn't you Jacob. It was a ghost. A ghost I told all my secrets to and trusted. It was the ghost. Not you." I wrote that. I wanted to sound mad,sarcastic, and most of all sassy. I felt like those words really reflected the kind of person I am. When I clicked then send button my stomach felt like it was doing flips. I fidgeted. Leo was still next to me and on instinct wrapped his arm around my hip. That calmed me down a little. I looked up from my phone. Perfect. Charlie was wide awake, the blue light of his of his phone  illuminated his face. He sat there watching me. "What's wrong? Is it anything with your head? How's you're knee?" He whispered. He seemed generally concerned. Almost big brotherly. I thought back to the hospital when he asked me what happened. He seemed concerned there too. I looked at Charlie like a big brother and a great friend. I needed some advice. He was right there. I could ask him. He'll help me where as Cana might worry and Leo might break something. "Charlie can I talk to you outside?" I whispered, nodding my head to Leo and Cana. He nodded and got up. I wriggled out of Leo's grip as Charlie softly giggled at me. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. One we were outside I said, "remember when we were at the hospital and you asked me why I passed out?". "Yea" he said slowly. "It's kind of bothering me. Can I talk about it?" I asked. I told him about the video and the pictures and the text. This time instead of one tear... It was a steady flow. Charlie pulled me in a hug. I cried into his sweat jacket. Then, once I calmed myself down, I showed them texts from tonight. Charlie just thought for a long time, I guess deciding what to say. "Why don't you trust him? Your past with him sounded lien you trust him more than Cana." He said. "I'm not the trusting kind" I said. "Plus would you trust him after you've seen the video?" I added. "I wouldn't trust him but I would give him a chance. It sound s lien that's a friendship not worth losing. " he said. I nodded my head. He had a point. "That's deep man" I said he let out a small laugh and I cracked a smile. "I'll talk to him when he texts back. See where the conversation goes. You know" I said. He agreed that was an ok thing to do. I smiled and walked back inside. I didn't realize how cold it was outside because when I got in the blanket and next to Leo i instantly became so much warmer.  I put on my headphones and played some some music. It was sort of soothing, listening to music, being next to Leondre, and closing my tired eyes. I hugged closer to Leo, forgetting the pain in my knee that still hasn't completely gone away, and closed my eyes. Soon I was out like a light.

(A/N sorry for the short chapter. Comment if you what Jacob to be good or bad. I'm leaning more towards good. However I want my readers to chose what they would like to read. Majority will win. Only vote once please. And if no one votes after chapter 17 is done for a while then I'll make it up myself. Thanks for reading. Bye)

Grace and Hope: BambinoWhere stories live. Discover now