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Back stage
Cana POV

We talked causally as we drove. I was driving because I just got my license.
It seemed like Gracie and Leo really hit it off.

"K' come on Gracie lets go." I say as I drag her to the stage.
As soon as the clock hit 5:30 we walked on stage.

Cheers flooded the room from the hundreds of people there.
"Ello'! I'm Gracie!" Said Gracie into her mic as we got to center stage.
"And I'm Cana!" I say as I wave to some people in front.
"And we are Grace and Hope!" We say together.
"Today we will be preforming two covers and our hit current song!" I say leaving suspense at what songs they are.
"First song is in favor of our two special guests!" Gracie said, she rigged this...
As soon as the piano started to tune out the sound of hopeful I got it.

"Oh oh oh~" I sang into the mic.
Cheers and shouts rang out.
"Yeah Grace and Hope!"
"Please help me god I feel so alone
I'm just a kid can't take this on my own
I've cried so many tears yeah writing this song
Where do I fit in where do I belong
I wake up every day don't wanna leave my home
My mums asking me why always alone
To scared to say to scared to holla'
Walking to school with sweat around my collar
I'm just a kid I don't want no stress
My nerves are bad my life's a mess
The names you call me they hurt real bad
I want to tell my mum but she's having trouble with my dad
I feel so trapped there's no where to turn
Come to school don't want to fight I wanna learn
So please mister bully tell me what I've done
You no I have no dad I'm living with my mum."

"Cause I'm hopeful yes I am hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away
Just be hopeful, hopeful
And he'll make a way
I know it ain't easy but that's ok
Just be hopeful~"

As the song continued memories flooded in. I remembered being little and my Dad leaving us. It impacting all of us hard. Mum struggling for money, my brother running away. Gracie coming back from school beat up and upset. Then that day... Mum leaving... That whole week, confused hurt. Having to illegally work for money. Stopping school. It all hurt.
And me... Being hopeful they will come back.
Knowing somehow and some way however possible he will make a way.
Unite my family... Stop the hurt.

But for us, at what cost.

Grace and Hope: BambinoWhere stories live. Discover now