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Grace's POV
They all walked in. My brother was behind them with my sister. I knew he would be back but I'm still mad and you really don't want to be around me when. I'm mad. "You're back. You haven't gone running out again. I wonder why." I say more of a statement then I question. I know I was being cold but I still don't care. "Grace. Hear him out. Or at least listen to what's going on in his life and see what he put on pause to come see you." Cana told me. "You sure don't seem mad at him like you were yesterday. Why? What happened?" I asked. I thought she stopped believing in him and was mad when he came back. "Grace listen. I'm twenty four years old. I'm you're big brother and whether you like it or not you're my little sister. The last time I saw you in person you were seven. I ran away for reasons I can't explain right now. But believe me at the time they were good reasons to me. I left my family because of it. You probably don't remember this but I do. You always looked up to me. I was you're role model. You copied my behavior and got really into spots because of me. I was proud of myself. We would do a lot together... We also fought a lot like we were the same age. During the week before I left I was really mean to you. I think that's all you remember. Me being mean. I missed you guys so much when I left. But I felt like I couldn't go back. Now I have a family of my own. My wife, my daughter and my son. When I spent time with my family I realized how much I missed you and Cana. I wanted to see you guys and fir you to be a part of my life again. I want you guys to meet my family and become another part to it. Cana has already agreed. What about you?" Hunter was really reaching out. I saw that he put his life on pause to come see me and my sister. But during my coma I realized the present doesn't change the past. Even if I do become a part of his family I will still always know he left. "No." I said flat out. "Grace" Cana gasped. Hunter just stood there shocked. I know when people aren't telling the whole truth. There is more to it. He has had his whole life to remember us and miss us. He has had his whole life to come back. There was something going on now and that's the real reason he's here. Hunter probably needs something. Why else would you ignore your sisters their whole life until they become famous. I don't remember him being my role model. But I do remember him being mean. You're not mean to the people you love. You hold those people closer. I see he was trying to use sympathy of him missing us to trick us. I got up. I asked everyone but Cana and Hunter to leave. When they were all gone Cana sat on the couch, expecting me to give my explanation. I was waiting for Hunter. I wanted his priceless reaction to me not falling for his lie. "Skip the mushy stuff and the family reunion and the lies. What do you need?" I asked. His face was a mixture of mad, sad and confused. I guess he didn't know how well I was at reading people. "Grace I don't think he needs any thing..."Cana trailed off. Watching my movements. She knew how much I could hurt people even if I'm in pain. And she knows my words can be even worse. "Cana read between the lines. He doesn't miss us. He has had his whole life to miss us and come back. He wants something from us. Why else would you ignore your sisters and run away from your family until they are famous and could get anything you need. " I saw Cana slowly processing this, saw everyone one outside watching us from the window, and saw my brother looking real mad. "You mad because you didn't expect me not to fall for your lie? Well I guess if you hadn't left you would know I'm not that gullible." I spat sassily at him. "You know what Grace. You are right. I did need something. Money. My family having a hard time because I can't keep a job. I also thought you both were just stupid teenage girls who would fall for my act. I guess I was only half right" he said looking at Cana. "Awww Hell No" Cana said. She was boiling. I could see it. But she still stayed a bit calm. But no one calls my sister stupid except me. "At least we can keep our careers and were only 'stupid teenage girls'" I said. I hit a sore spot. I could tell because after that he punched me square in the jaw. I have taken way worse hits. His punch would barley leave a bruise. But I was still boiling. Everyone rushed in the room. Leo ran straight to me, Charlie went to Cana, and their moms went to handle my brother. I was mad. Even madder than I was that day mom left. "Hey bozo! Here's how you really punch!" I screamed. I lurched forward and got him in the eye powerfully. He stumbled back a bit. Before I could jump at him again Leo grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back. I tried clawing my way out of my grip but it wasn't working. I saw Cana was trying to get at him too. Security came and took Hunter out of the room. I was still fuming. Cana was furious. We both had a look in our eyes that meant we could kill. The boys finally calmed us down. I told them what happened. Charlie looked mad, but I didn't care. A few minutes later a doctor came into check on me. First he looked at where Hunter punched me. The doctor laughed, "I guess that guy really didn't know how to punch. Unlike you. I was just looking over where you punched him. He'll have a black eye for at least a week." The doctor said to me. "I know how to throw a punch. Back on Australia I boxed. I won almost all the matches." I said. Cana seconded my statement. The rest of the day was a blur. More gifts coming in and out. More conversations. That night Cana was gonna stay with me. I decided to video chat my friends on the computer. I chatted my friends, Julia, Gabriel, Catherine, Noah, Gabby, and Phillip. I wasn't ready to face Jacob yet. They wanted to add him but I lied and said I already called him and he was busy. Then they asked about the punch because of what they saw on the news. I just said, "nothing like a family reunion". I ended the call a bit later and stayed up with Cana. She told me about Charlie. I told her about Leo. I also told her to keep it a secret. I had to tell her anyway. She was the only person who knew how I felt before even Leo did. We both fell asleep a little while later.

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