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Grace's POV

The first day I was out was all black. I couldn't hear or see anything. I just existed. No thoughts ran through my head. I was blank. The second day I had memories flood back from my infant form to my fourteenth birthday. I remember all the achievements that are symbolized on my bracelet. My cello performances, basket ball games, boxing matches, all of it. The third day was memories from the day we became famous to the day I passed out. I remember bumping into Leo. All. Three. Times. I remember the beach. And, sadly, the text messages. The fourth day I saw black. But I could hear everything and comprehend. I remember my sisters voice and Leo saying he loves me. Wow. I felt like God was giving me a chance to wake up from my past. I felt myself leaving consciousness. No. I need to wake up. For them. For me. Slowly I felt me being pulled out of consciousness. Fight it. My heart quickened from me trying so hard. I heard the loud beeps, I heard the doctors, I heard Charlie, I heard Cana, and an unclear voice. My eyelids opened. The light was blinding and I immediately had a headache like none other. Ow. Maybe I should go back to sleep. No. Stay awake.

I tried to move but instantly regretted it because of the pain. I lifted my head a little. I saw machines, doctors, Charlie, Leo, Cana, and him. If I could move I would have already tried to jump and punch him. I tried speaking. Ow. All that came out was a high pitched squeak. A worried look was on everyone's face. I tried again and almost said a full word. But I squeaked. The doctor rushed over to me and started to touch my neck. I moved away and shock my head because it hurt. "I know it's soar just let me see if there is something wrong"she said. I reluctantly went went a little forward so she could touch my neck. "Nothing's wrong. Give her some water. She probably has a soar throat due to dehydration. I drank a cup of water. Boy, did I feel better.i tried talking again. My voice was hoarse but I did it. "Hunter. If you do t leave God help me I will-" He cut me off. Rude. "Listen Gracie. Just hear me out" Hunter said. "No. It's too late for explanations. You left eleven years ago. That's a long time Hunter. You never came back. I never had hope you would come back. You know maybe if you hadn't left I could have had hope. But I lost it entirely. I was five when you left. I don't remember much. But I know you lest me. Left us. I can't forgive you. And I'm not sorry." I spat at him coldly with sass. "Ok I deserve that" he said. "Yeah you did" I said. Right now I don't give a damn about my throat and the pain. I just wanted to win the argument. "Grace I'll leave for now. But I'll be back later. I just wanted to say I talked to Dad. He didn't care what I had to say. He only talked about you and Cana. He told me what I needed to hear about myself and about how both of you feel about me. I totally agree with how you guys feel about me. But he told me to get the old cameras and to burn the pictures and videos on a CD. He said you told him you wanted those so here." Hunter said. Hunter talked to dad. Wow. Wasn't expecting that. I do remember telling dad that I wanted those things when I went to visit him the day before we left for Florida. He placed a silver CD near my hand. "Thanks... Now go" I said. I watched him walk out of the room. But I knew he wasn't gone. He would come back and visit me later. He's very persistent. I remember that about him.
"Grace!" Cana yelled as the door shut. They all ran over to me. I laughed. I did miss them all. "What's all this stuff? What happened while I was out? How long was I out? I'm so confused. My head feels like it's going to explode and the rest of my bait feels like it got hit by a train." I asked. Leo smiled at me and made me feel all melted inside. Cana was so excited I was up she couldn't talk. Charlie told me everything. "Thanks for the news" I said. "What made you pass out?" He asked me concerned. "I don't feel like talking about that just yet..." I replied. Charlie just said "that's ok". Then I asked if they had brought my stuff... I wanted clothes, and my bracelet. "Only the stuff you came in sweetie" Victoria said. "Oh ok. I don't want those but I would like my charm bracelet. If that's ok?" I said as politely as I could. I just wanted to demand things right now... But that would be rude so I'm not. "I'll go get your bracelet and then I can bring you back some stuff from the hotel." Karen said. "Ok thank you so much" I said. Karen came back minutes later with my bracelet and then went to go get my clothes, a hair brush, a toothbrush, my laptop, and my note book. When she came back she had a bag filled with all my stuff. "eighty-five percent of those clothes are pajamas" Karen said. "You're the best" I replied. I would honestly live in pajamas if I could. I got my laptop and note book out and put it on the side table next to the hospital bed. I left the bag with the clothes and the brushes next to my hospital bed. Karen and Victoria sat in the two chairs and the others sat on the side of my bed. We just talked like nothing happened. A few times I would move the wrong way and wince but nothing really. The doctors gave me pain killers and said the only real major injury was in my head so I was going to be fine. It was around 10:00pm when I said "I'm going to go change and brush my teeth, I feel disgusting". I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself I looked rough and scrappy Kirk I did the first week mom left. I brushed my teeth and put water on my face... Careful of the cuts and bruises. It took me a few minutes to brush my hair gently without killing myself. Then I just put on some pjs, I didn't really know which ones I was to tired to notice. When I got out Cana said "Visiting hours are over we are all going home except Leo. He's gonna stay with you tonight." "Alright" I said. I was totally ok with that. I wanted to be able to talk to him alone. I got in bed and said my goodbyes. I got into the bed and Leo sat in the edge. "You should get some rest. You look really tired." He said to be gently and calmly. "You should to. But there is something I want to talk to you about first" I said.
"Ok... Shoot" he said. "Today was the only day of my coma where o couldn't see anything, but I was able to hear and comprehend everything. I heard you say that you love me. How much? And on what level?" I asked. "Grace I love you so much. Your one of the best friends I have ever had and I've only known you a couple of days. But what do you mean levels?" He said. My heart melted again like when he smiled at me. But I knew he could break it so I built my walls up. "I mean so you love me like a family member, a friend, or more than a friend." I answered. "Does that really matter?" He asked. "Yes, and be completely honest with me. I know when your lying." I said. "Ok. Fine. To be completely honest. All of the above." He said. Wow. I didn't think he would have the guts to say that. I also didn't think he could break the walls down with my one sentence. I guess I was wrong. I must have been a daze because Leo was calling my name. "Do you love me back and on what level?" He asked me. I could see he was scared I would say no. I just scooted near him and kissed him. Sparks everywhere in my body replacing the pain. In that second I knew what I was missing. "Does that answer your question?" I asked. "Best.Answer.Ever." He said. I laughed and kissed him again. Same thing happened. That night I fell asleep in his lap. In the morning we woke up before visiting hours. We decided not to tell anyone. We don't want to be killed by the media and treated differently by our friends. So he went on the chair and was laying in the bed. Todd somehow found a way in before visiting hours he gave me my new 6s rose gold phone with all my contacts and photos transferred onto it because my old phone was shattered in a million pieces. This was new news to me. Todd asked me what I would like to do with reporters today. I said to just let them in so they would spend less time here. Todd, Leo, and I just talked about fans and the media until everyone came in... My brother behind them all.

Grace and Hope: BambinoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz