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Cana POV on the plane

Ok, let me say one thing... If your boyfriend buys you FOOD, he is a keeper.
I was complaining to Charlie about how disgusting and nasty the plane food was,
And guess what...
He paid extra for. Ice-cream!
I love life!

So after the whole sugar craze I went on Charlie feel asleep on my shoulder and I went on Netflix. About a season through a wearied show I have zero clue how I started watching
I shut my laptop and looked over at the new couple.
Let's just say they are friggin adorable! Leo was whining to Gracie and she couldn't handle the puppy eyes, something I mastered from Gracie's childish tantrums. I basically daydreamed for the rest of the flight.
As we got off Gracie was going off talking to Leo about some weird thing I honestly didn't get. So after we got our luggage and where in my car to our hotel I tried to start a conversation with Charlie.
"Hey Charlie?" I say. Again the two love birds were in grossed in a conversation behind us.
"Yeah?" He asked rubbing his eyes from sleeping.
"Don't you think there adorable back there!" I say fan girling over them.
"Uh huh." He said putting his head down to go back to sleep, which he succeeded in very quickly. I didn't even realize this so I went off ranting about something dumb.
"He fell asleep! Again!" I hiss.
"Oh jeez here comes raging Cana..." Whispered Leo to Gracie who I saw chuckle from the rear view mirror. Once I decided what to do I whispered Leo my plan, because Gracie feel asleep also.
He turned on the special song as I turned up the volume on the cars music player and connected Bluetooth.
"One two three..." I whispered as he started the song.
"NARWHALS NARWHALS SWIMMING IN THE OCEAN CAUSING A COMMOTION BECAUSE-" we started to scream as Gracie woke up snatching his phone and turning it off as Charlie put his hand over my mouth to shut me up.

Time skip to after Grace meets with phill and whatever bc I'm a time lord...

We all sat down to watch tv. I wound up falling asleep on Charlie's lap as he texted from his phone.

So so so sorry for the short chapters gonna start making them longer soon

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