Her cheeks turned a bright red, "You.. You liked that?"

"I loved it," I spoke quietly. My eyes fell on her moist pink lips, then back up to meet her brown eyes I love so much.

Camila's hands reached forward and took my sunglasses off. "Don't hide your eyes, Laur. Eyes like yours shouldn't be hidden."

My insides turned into mush at her words. There was nothing I wanted more than to lean over and give her kiss on those luscious lips but I couldn't.

When she put on my sunglasses I couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness, especially when she made a straight face and held up a peace sign.

"Am I cool yet?" She asked.

I just giggled and rolled my eyes playfully at her goofy self.

A little while later Devon came over by us and we had to go back and play that whole 'just sisters' act. Hours passed when we were all pruned and got out of the pool. We ate the food my mom had made for us, but we were still hungry so Rocky decided to make us burgers on the grill. When the burgers were done we realized there wasn't any hamburger buns so Rocky and Skye left to the store and grab them.

Which left Devon with Camila and I.

I internally groaned when Rocky and Skye left. Because right now I'm sitting in the living room next to Devon who is gawking at Camila who still hasn't changed out of her swimsuit.

"So Camila." Here we go. I roll my eyes. "Would you be interested in going to the Winter Ball with me next week?"

Shit. I had totally forgotten about that even though there had been flyers all around school talking about it.

Camila focused her eyes on me, "I'm actually waiting for someone else to ask me.. Sorry."

My heart sped up at her words. She's waiting for me to ask her? But realization hit hard when I remembered that her and I couldn't show up together as dates.

"Oh," Devon cleared his throat. "Thats cool... Do I know him?"

Him. I wanted to laugh at that but I held it back.

"Yeah you do," she said still looking at me. "He has the most amazing green eyes I have ever seen."

A blush rose on my cheeks. What is with her obsession with my eyes? They're just eyes, I don't know what the big woop about them is.

"Green eyes?" Devon said unsure. "I don't know anyone with green eyes except Lauren."

My heart started pounding against my chest. Is it me or is it getting hot in here? I swallowed thickly as Camila answered him.

"Oh you probably don't know him then."

Devon just slouched back on the couch and focused his attention on the TV. Camila and I had a staring match for quite some time but that was interrupted by Rocky and Skye coming in carrying groceries.

After we ate our second dinner, we all camped out in the living room and were watching that movie Ouija. So far this movie sucked in my opinion, but judging by the looks on everyone else's faces they seem to be really interested in it.

Rocky and Skye were on the big couch cuddling, Devon was lying on the floor with his shirt off by himself, while Camila and I were on the smallest couch sitting next to each other.

It was dark in here, the only light source was from the TV. I adjusted the big blanket that was on mine and Camila's lap to get more comfortable. A smile formed on my face when I felt Camila's hand slide underneath the blanket and find my own and intertwine our fingers. With Camila's hand in my own I focused back on the movie.


"So that was fun," Camila said as she dried her hair with a towel.

"It was okay."

I kicked my socks off and threw them on the floor as I got comfortable in Camila's bed.

The others left awhile ago, once they did Camila and I showered. Separately of course, and here we are getting ready for bed. I had already brushed my teeth and now I'm lying on Camila's soft comfy bed underneath her comforter as she finishes doing whatever she's doing.

I watched as she began brushing her long hair, she looked so cute especially the way her face crinkled in pain when the brush got caught on a tangle. Once she had finished that she began brushing her teeth.

She walked out of the bathroom, foam on the corners of her mouth.

"You're cute."

She rolled her eyes and went back into the bathroom and finished up.

Finally, after turning off the light Camila crawled into bed and became my little spoon. I buried my face into the back of her head. The fresh scent of shampoo flooded my nostrils and I loved it because it was the smell of Camila.

I wrapped my arms tightly around her, I heard her sigh happily and relax against me.

Camila rotated in my arms and kissed me gently on the lips, "Goodnight Laur."

I leaned forward and kissed the tiny mole on the crown of her head. "Goodnight baby."

My heart exploded in my chest when I felt her bury her face into my neck.

Nights like this, so calm and quiet with Camila in my arms I wish I could freeze time and stay like this for the rest of my life, because that's my idea of paradise.

"I love you."


Who do you think said it??

Thanks for reading this chapter for me was a little... Ehh... I've written better not gonna lie.

But anyway I decided that I'm going to end this story at chapter 35 so there's 6 chapters left. I will cry when this ends because I have worked so hard on it and its my first story I have ever written! So yeah the tears will be real.

Thanks again for reading! I love you all!

Tell me what you think!


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