Chapter 25- A memorable Saturday Night part 2

Start from the beginning

At his words, my face immediately reddened and I gave a giggle as I gazed up at him, “I’m glad you like it,” I said before looking towards Lauren who was discreetly wiggling her eyes at me and mouthing the words, “I told you so,” with a big grin on her face. 

Rolling my eyes at her, I looked back at Jacob when he started to speak again, “Alright, so you both ready to head out?” 

Lauren and I both nodded and Jacob took hold of my hand and started for the door, “Oh, yeah,” Jacob said stopping at the door and turning to look at Lauren, “Just want to say now, sorry for whatever Derek does tonight,” Jacob says in an apologetic tone making me look back at Lauren in concern.

“I know you and Derek had a fight a few nights ago and I know how he can get,” Jacob explained. 

Lauren, gave a roll of her eyes before waving her hand in a dismissive gesture, “Oh you don’t need to warn me Jacob, I can handle Derek,” she said before walking past us, in a confident stride, out the front door. 

Once she had past us, Jacob looked down at me with a questioning expression. Knowing what he was going to say, I quickly spoke up first, “Let’s just say, tonight will be eventful.”


Getting to the bonfire was a long drive at all and once we arrived everything was in full swing. There was a nice size fire going in the center of the area where it was being held, there were people everywhere talking, dancing, and eating. There also was a small table set up, next to the food and drink table, that had a iPod and wireless dock with speakers playing music. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. 

“Want a drink?” Jacob said bring my attention back to him. Giving a nod he gently tugged my hand and led the way over to the table with drink; Lauren followed close behind. 

“You want a beer or a soda?” Jacob asked gesturing to the two big ice filled coolers full of both drinks. 

“Um, I’ll just take a soda, any kind is fine.”

Jacob nodded and reach his hand down into the cooler pulling up a small can and handing it too me. Looking behind me Jacob looked to Lauren and I followed his gaze, “A Lauren you want drink?” he asked her to which she shook her head to, “No, I’m good right now,” she said slightly distracted. 

I watched curiously as Lauren looked across the crowd and narrowed her eyes. Following her stare, I too looked across the crowd and finally discovered what she was looking at. There on the other side of the fire was Derek, but he wasn’t alone, instead there was some black haired girl dancing on him. The girls hands were roaming carelessly to say the least and Derek didn’t seem to mind.

“All hell,” Jacob said as he seen his idiot of a friend as well.

Looking to my friend, ready to console her, I was shocked to find her grinning mischievously, “I feel like dancing,” she says just as a group of guys walk past us.

Without hesitation, Lauren grabs the arm of a cute tall brunette guy and pulls him to a stop. I had to admit, if Lauren wasn’t so fix on Derek probably could have had a chance in her book. The brunette guy looks at Lauren with a puzzled expression then looks at me and Jacob standing behind her and grins, “Hey Jacob man, I was wondering if you were coming tonight,” the guy says making me and Lauren look at each other. 

Looking up to Jacob, he grins back at the guy, “Adam, what’s up,” he says as they both give each other one of those one armed man hugs, “When’d you get in town, I didn’t see you at my party earlier this summer?”

“I had some things going on back at school. Just got in last night actually,” he said before looking down at our hands intertwined, “This your girl?” he asked as he looked back at Jacob. Jacob pulled my back into the front of his chest and wrapped his arms around me, “Yeah, this is Mia and the girl who pulled you over here is her friend Lauren,” Jacob said the last part as he looked at Lauren who still hand a hold on Adam’s forearm.

Adam stretched his free hand out and smiled at me, “Nice to meet you Mia,” he said nicely and I smiled back and shook his hand, “You to.”

Once our introductions were done, Adam looked towards Lauren with a smirk, “I take it you wanted me for something beautiful. I was taken aback by the guys sudden change of demeanor and even more taken aback at how quickly Lauren flirting mode at his words without even blinking.

“Yeah a dance,” Lauren said with a flirty smile to which Adam ate up. Within seconds Lauren had dragged the poor guy out to where people where dancing and started, what I guessed, was her big plan to piss Derek off. 

Feeling Jacob’s chest shake as he began to chuckle, I twisted in his arms and smile up at him, “What’s so funny?” I asked him.

Jacob turned me back around and pointed with his hand towards where Derek was still dancing with that girl. As soon as I saw Derek, I too started to laugh because even thought he was still dancing with that girl, Derek was now glaring across the beach at Lauren and Adam. 

“Hey, I want to introduce you to some people, then we can go dance a little too,” Jacob whispered in my ear, making a light shiver race down my spin. Nodding I tilted my head over to the side to reach his lips, “Sounds good.”

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