Part Thirty - Two.

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Jacob's Point Of View

"So how's it's going?" I asked Jenna as I walked down the steps to the room where Luke and Yn normally were if they weren't showering or in the kitchen eating food. She shrugged her shoulders in response. "I honestly don't know I mentioned about it being Cameron and then they said they wanted time to think," She says looking at me.

I went to speak but she spoke before me, "they seemed pretty angry, when Luke woke up he was angry but I guess it's to be expected especially after what I did  to him, I blamed him for something he never even did" she says. "I know but I think they'll help," I say trying to be positive. "You actually believe that Jacob, because I don't. If that was me I wouldn't want to help someone who was the reason I was locked up and treated like crap" She says back to me.

"But the thought of going home might be able to persuade them," I say, Jenna nodded her head. "True but we shall see won't we," she said. " How long have you been out here? " I ask. She looked down at her watch. "About ten minutes now," she says. "I think ten minutes is enough," I say before walking past her and pushing the door open to find out their answer. They both looked at me, "so what's it going to be, are you going to help us or not?" I ask. "Well, that depends on," Luke says. "Depends on what? " I ask, eyebrow raised. "Depends whether or not you will let us go if we do help you," Yn says, "of course, you help us get Cameron and we will let you go I promise you that," I say.

"Right and we're supposed to forget what you did to us and believe you when you say you will let us go just like that?" Yn asked me. I nodded my head, "yes" I say. " I mean why would we keep you here after you've helped us?" I ask, they both shrugged their shoulders.

" I don't know," Yn said standing up, I watched as she helped Luke up from the floor.

"We already agreed to help you as long as you keep your word if we help you to get Cameron to confess then you will let us go," Luke says. "I've already said I would," I say again. "Alright then I guess you have us on board," Yn said, Luke nodded his head in agreement.

"So what's the plan?" Luke asked. "Now that is where we need Carter and Jenna," I say, they nodded their heads even though they didn't seem very happy when I mentioned my sister but I guess they weren't going to be especially as she lied and she's the reason why they're here.

"Carter, Jenna get in here" I yell, they soon appeared in the room. "What did they say?" Jenna asked me. "We said we would help only because we want to get out of here," Luke says looking at me sister, with a cold stare. Jenna shifted uncomfortably, "anyway now we need to come up with a plan," I say, Carter shut the door and we all sat down on the floor to think of a plan, but it wasn't that easy. Whatever plan we came up with there was always a flaw, so now we were all sat on the floor trying to come up with an idea for a plan to get Cameron to confess to what he did.

"I actually have an idea," Carter says breaking the silence. "What's that?" I ask, "Well... This is my idea..." he started telling us his idea. "Carter that is brilliant," I say admiring his idea. "I know I'm such a clever clogs aren't I, " He says cockily. Jenna just laughed, "big headed more like," she says making everyone laugh. "You sure you both are alright with the plan?" I ask Luke and YN.

"Yeah" "yes," They said nodding their heads. "Alright, when do we start?" Yn asked me. "How about tomorrow?" I ask them, they looked at each other then back at me. "Sure," they said. "We'll leave the door unlocked let's leave them alone now Jenna, Carter," I say shooing them out of the room.

Luke's Point Of View

I couldn't believe we agreed to the plan that Carter had thought of, yes it was a good plan but I wish I hadn't of said yes now but it will be worth it in the end if me and yn get to go home. I really hope Jacob sticks to his word about letting us go if we help him get Cameron to confess about what he did to Jenna.

Getting told we were allowed to go home if we helped Jacob made me buzz with excitement inside, I couldn't wait to go home and see my mum and my brothers regardless of what happened before I ended up here. I couldn't wait to see them and my friends. I can't begin to think what they're going through but especially yn's parents they believe she's dead and I was shocked when I saw her never mind what her family are going to act or feel like when they see her again after so long. The plan would be so worth it  because, at the end of it, we would get to go home and see our family and friends and continue our lives together, happily.

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