Part Twenty- One.

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 Your Point Of View

Waking up, I wiped my eyes and sat up and stretched. Looking down I noticed I was on the blow-up bed. How did I get here? I fell asleep leaning against the wall. Luke.He must have moved me. Why would he do that, when he hates me? I don't blame him. I looked around the lightly lit room and I couldn't see him. Where was he? What if one of the guys had done something to him or worse killed him?

Panicking, I quickly got up and ran over to the door and banged on it, repeatedly, to get someone's attention to come and unlock the door.

I kept banging but nobody was coming to see why I was banging. After what felt like hours, I stopped hitting the door as my hand was hurting from the constant contact with the door. Sighing, defeated and in pain with my hand I walked back over to the blow-up bed and sat down, bringing my knees up to my chest. I just wanted to see Luke.

Even though he hated me the thought of somebody hurting him, upset me. I was still upset with myself for hurting him but that was something I was going to have to deal and live with. Luke wouldn't forgive me and if he ever was to, I know, it would take a long time for him to trust me again after what I did. The door soon opened and Luke was pushed through the door and he fell to the floor.

"Ouch," I heard him mutter as he pulled himself up. The door soon closed and you could hear the lock being put back onto the door.

He soon got up off the floor and walked over to the blow-up bed which I was sat on. He sat down on the edge of it then sighed. I just looked at him, as he sat there quietly.

Not one of us said anything, both of us sat in silence. He soon moved so he was laying down on his back on the bed. I got up and went to walk but was stopped by Luke who had his hand on my wrist. I stopped and turned and looked at him. "Luke what's wrong?" I ask even though I knew he probably wouldn't speak to me as he somewhat hated me for what I did. But he was holding my wrist, making me think that maybe just maybe he wanted me to stay.

He didn't say anything he gently tugged my wrist indicating he wanted me to sit back down which I did, he let go of my wrist once I sat back down. I just looked at him, he was looking up at the ceiling. "Luke what did they do to you, I woke up and you were gone," I say as I continued to look at him.

"I woke up in a chair,  I was tied to it," He said then winced a little, he then turned onto his side and looked at me then I saw it, a bruise forming on his jaw, no wonder he was wincing it was right on his jaw bone. "Jacob?" I asked he nodded his head. It was easy to guess it was Jacob, he had a right temper which I've seen many times being here, he's hit Carter many times before. But he hated Luke but I didn't know why.

Why would he hate Luke so much? Luke doesn't even know him so it didn't make any sense. "I know why he hates me so bad," he said quietly. "Why?" I ask him, "his sister." He said slowly. "Yeah I know his has a sister, he doesn't talk much about her, though," I say. I then noticed his eyes starting to tear up.

"He hates me because he thinks I raped his sister, Jenna. I don't even know a girl called Jenna, yn. I never go to bars and apparently she said it was me.  I just don't understand how this could have happened" He said, I just sat there shocked so that is why he wanted revenge on Luke because someone raped his sister. I didn't have to think twice, someone was trying to blame it all on luke.

"It seems as someone's setting me up and I don't know why but I know that I won't get out of here Jacob told me that," he said crying. "It's okay Luke, I know you wouldn't do that," I say and then he hugged me, I hugged him back."I know you wouldn't do that to a girl. I know what you did a long time ago playing girls but you wouldn't stoop so low to do that" I say rubbing his back. "He said the only way I'd get out of here is in a body bag," He said. I hugged him tighter.

We both pulled away from the hug and layed down next to each other. "I want to go home" I hear him say, I turned on my side so I could look at him. "You'll go home. I'll help you get out of here" I say. He just looked at me." Why are you saying I'll go home. It should be we" he said. I shook my head. "No. It shouldn't do you actually think they will let me go? I have no chance. I know too much" I say looking up at the ceiling.

" and you actually think they'll let me go when I know stuff too?" He said from beside me. I sighed, " I will make sure you get out Luke. I promise you that" I say getting up. " I don't want no damn promise, yn. Do you think if there was any chance of getting out, I'd leave you behind?" He said.

"Yes," I say, walking over and sitting down by the door. "What, why would you think that?" He asked me. I watched him get up and start to walk over to me. He crouched down in front of me. I looked down.

"Because you hate me," I say raising my voice while looking at him. "You hate me. Why in the world would you help me after everything I did to you?" I asked him. He sighed, " you know something yn, I should hate you. I told myself I hated you but deep down I can't hate you because after everything you've done I still love you." He says, making me smile a little but I stopped smiling.

"Well, you shouldn't. You shouldn't still love me. You should hate me. " I say shaking my head. "Well you can't make me stop loving you," he says. "I can," I say, he raised his eyebrow at me. "How would you do that then? " He asked. "I erm, I don't know," I say, he just laughed. "Your an idiot," he said laughing. "Oh thanks, Hemmings," I say rolling my eyes playfully.

"You know I told myself I would never be able to forgive you but Jacob told me what happened and I understand now," he said. "Really?" "Yeah and I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. I was pissed off" he said apologising.

"Luke you don't need to apologise," I say. He shook his head, "No. I do. I have to say sorry for that. What I said was really bad" he says. "Luke it's fine. I understand you were pissed off" I say. "Well I'm sorry" "I'm sorry too," I say to him. He sits beside me. " I really want to know who's trying to frame me" I hear him say from beside me. I looked at him. "Me too, I mean who would be so horrible to do such a thing like that," I say. "I don't know" he shrugged. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulder, while I rested my head on his.

LABELLED: Tormentor || LRHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora