Part Eighteen.

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 Luke's Point Of View

Waking up, the back of my head killed, like I was hit then I realised I was. I was whacked over the head with something. I then tried to look around my surroundings but it was too dark, where was I? And where the hell is my damn car.

I sat up slowly bringing my knees up, so my elbows could rest on them. Where am I? I thought to myself and all I could remember before getting hit was some guy saying "if you could say one last thing to yn what would it be?" And then I said "I don't know" and then he said "Well you better start thinking" something like that anyway.

Why would I need to think about something like that?

I say quietly, not moving just thinking to myself. My head hurts so bad right now. I pulled my sleeves down on my jacket and tried to keep warm, it was a little cold in here. Where was here?

I then heard footsteps and chattering, coming this way. I then heard the sound of a lock being taken off a door and then I saw a bit of light and two people standing there. There was a door after all this time?! Typical.

"You going to get up and come with us or not?" One asked. I just sat there and stared at the two figures. "Don't make me come in there and get you, Luke" The other said, the voice recognisable, I knew that voice. "I'm coming," I say slowly getting up and walking over to the door.

When I did, I saw the person, Cameron. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. He just looked at me, ice cold glare. "Doing my damn job" he said. "Job?" I repeated. "Yes job, Luke." He said before grabbing my shirt and pushing me in front of me.

"What the hell, man. Don't fucking touch me" I say turning to look at him. He shrugged. "Just start walking," he said. "I don't know where to go, idiot," I say coldly, he rolled his eyes. "Just follow Nash," He said.

"Not like I have any choice anyway" I mutter to myself as I followed behind Nash as he walked in front and Cameron walked behind me. It seemed forever since we started walking but we soon stopped in a room; the kitchen I presume. It wasn't a posh nice kitchen just a plain old boring kitchen.

"Take a seat," Cameron says from behind me, pushing down onto my shoulders forcing me to sit on a chair. He soon sat on a chair close to me and watched me, as Nash started preparing some food.

"So I like what you've done with the place," I say sarcastically, Cameron just rolled his eyes at me. "Very funny that we all know it's a dump," he said, I nodded my head agreeing. "True that," I say looking around the room.

"So you missing yn?" He asks me, I quickly look back at him before glaring. "Your fucking sick" I spit at him, he just grinned at me. " too bad she's not around anymore eh," He said.

I just looked at him, his grin not once disappearing, I felt myself getting angrier as my body tensed up as he kept on talking. " the body on her, though, mmm she's was hot" he said licking his lips.

I was soon out of my chair and going for him, he was soon out of his chair meeting me half way, "What are you going to do? Punch me?" He asked, raising his eyebrow at me. "Maybe I should, maybe it will learn you not to talk to my girlfriend," I say angrily, clenching my fist.

" Go ahead and punch him, he deserves one" I hear another voice say from behind me. I stopped looking at Cameron and slowly turned to see another guy standing there, much older by four maybe five years. He walked towards me. I just stood watching him. He then grinned.

"It's good to see you, Luke." He said to me. "Okay, who the hell are you?" I asked. He just grinned and stopped in front of me. "Me, I'm.." He stopped talking, looking at me. "Well, who are you?" I ask again, raising my voice a little.

"Me. I'm Jacob" he said. Jacob? I just looked at him, he kept grinning at me. That is when I realised who he was, he was the one Carter told me about ages ago at my house about Cameron trying to get me to a Jacob. That was ages ago. It was him. He was the Jacob who wanted revenge on me, for no reason I could think of.

" I'm not scared of you," I say staring at him. "Funny that neither was your girlfriend or so she pretended. The brave girl she was, sacrificing herself for you. Either way, I was going to get you Luke" he said to me. He said grabbing me and pulling me out of the kitchen and down the corridor as I struggled, hearing footsteps behind us which probably belonged to Cameron and Nash.

"There is  a lot of things I want to do to you but first I want to show you something," he said with a hint of amusement. He soon stopped, and nodded to Cameron who unlocked a different door, he opened it wide and I was soon pushed in through the door.

"Hardest part about being away from someone you loved is sometimes they weren't that far away in the first place," Jacob said as I turned to look at him; he grinned then slammed the door shut locking it behind him. I turned back around and I was faced with darkness again. Why did he say what he did? Why was I taken out of one dark room and taken to another? Was someone in here?

I found myself asking, "Is anybody in here?"I ask out loud not expecting a reply, thinking Jacob was trying to mess with me.

" L-Luke is that you?" I heard a voice ask, very quietly. "Who's there?" I ask, pulling my jacket closer to my body as I stayed still in my spot by the door. It was cold in here. Nothing, it was silent. "I said who's there?" I ask raising my voice a little louder this time. I started walking closer into the room. "This isn't funny, answer me!" I shout, turning around in a circle trying to catch a glimpse of someone.

"Luke Robert Hemmings" I heard the voice say from in front of me, the voice. I knew that voice anywhere, but how was it possible.

She was gone, dead.

It can't be possible but yet her voice seemed so real.

"Yn?" I called out, I felt a cold hand on my face. I closed my eyes.

I was dreaming right now. Dreaming, it's the only way I was hearing her voice so near. "Luke it's me" I heard the voice again. "No, I'm dreaming," I say shaking my head as my eyes were closed. "If you're dreaming, would I be able to touch you, " The voice said and I felt a hand touch my face again. I opened my eyes. "Yn?"

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