Chapter Ten: Festival Preparations

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Rei slashed through a Hollow with her zanpakuto, then wiped her forehead. Well, that's the last one. Ever since that day when Aizen finally unsealed her bow and zanpakuto several weeks ago, she'd been assigned on patrol duty, guarding the first three districts on South Rukongai from Hollows and any other threats. Rukia had also been given the same duty, though Rei had a feeling that Byakuya had been behind it in an effort to keep an eye on his younger sister.

"Say, Rei." Rukia called. 


"What're your plans for New Year's?"

"New Year's?"

Rukai sighed. "You haven't forgotten all about New Year's, have you? It's in less than a week, and you've completely forgotten about it? Shame on you."

Rei blushed sheepishly. "Guess I've had a lot to think about."

"Really? Like what?"

Like protecting you, on Byakuya's request. Of course, he wouldn't let me tell you that. "Stuff."

"Oh, okay." Rukia sheathed her zanpakuto. "Let's head back; it's getting dark. Besides, Lietenant Hinamori and Lietenant Nanao invited us to go out for dinner tonight, remember?"

Rei thought as she slid her knives into their sheaths. "Oh, yeah! I remember now."

"Race you back to the Seireitei!" Rukia called as she leapt away, Rei chasing after her, laughing. 

"Hey, Rei, try this one." Momo said, offering Rei a platter of steamed buns. "They're delicious!"

Rei took one from the plate and bit into it. "You're right. They really are great!" She quickly finished the rest of it. 

"Have some sake, Rei!" Rangiku called, waving a jug of alcohol in the air. "Let's be drinking buddies!"

"No thanks, Miss Rangiku. I'm a minor, remember?"

Rangiku pouted. "Aww! And just when I thought I found another friend to drink with!"

Rei reached for a grilled chicken kebab. "Don't you have Lietenant Hisagi and Lietenant Kira?" Then she sighed. Rangiku had gone back to her alcohol, chugging down sake like a camel drinking water.

"You know, Miss Rangiku," Momo chided. "Too much alchohol is bad for the health."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Rangiku slurred.

Rei slid a piece of chicken off the stick and chewed it, groaning internally. Oh, boy. Looks like we're gonna have to drag a certain drunk lietenant back to the barracks again tonight. Then she smiled to herself. It felt nice, having friends around you, ones that you could rely on and enjoy your time with.

Nanao spoke up. "By the way, do any of you know what you'll be doing for the New Year's festival?"

Rei glanced around. The others looked just as clueless as she did. "New Year's festival? I never knew we had something like that." Rukia remarked.

"Actually, it's something that the captains came up with. It'll be like a getaway from all the fighting and work we've been doing lately, especially after that battle against Aizen."

Rei and Rukia exchanged glances. None of the others knew, but Rei's father was Aizen, and was the one responsible for the battle Nanao was talking about. Rei couldn't help but feel guilty, and she drank some tea in an attempt to hide her awkwardness.

Nanao continued. "Anyway, each squad is going to be coming up with idea for a booth for the festival. We'll also be mingling with citizens of the Rukongai, who'll be allowed into the Seireitei for the first time. The best booth gets a prize from the Head Captain."

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