Chapter Seven: A Talk with Sosuke Aizen

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Rei walked through the maze of buildings, her fists clenched. You couldn't blame her. 

"Pst! Hey, isn't that Rei Asaka? The human with Soul Reaper powers?"

"Yeah it is."

"She's also a Quincy!"

"So she's the enemy!"

"But she's the third seat of Squad Six!"

"She must be strong. She didn't even need any training to become the third seat."

"She didn't even go to the Soul Reaper academy!"

"Of course she's strong! She defeated all thirteen squads in a single battle!"

Rei gritted her teeth. "I wish they'd just shut up about it already! How long has it been? Honestly, someone needs to kick them in the ass and tell them to get over it."

"Check on Aizen now, kick ass later." Ichigo said. "You have a bigger problem right now."

Rei took a deep breath. "You're right. Let's go talk with the Head Captain."

"Head Captain!" The messenger kneeled before Yamamoto.

"What is it?"

"Squad six third seat Rei Asaka has requested to speak to you."

"Speak to me about what?"

"She only stated that it was an urgent matter, and also told me to give you this message." The messenger reached inside his robes and pulled out a folded sheet of paper, handing it to Yamamoto, who read it, his eyes widening.

"Tell Rei Asaka that her request has been granted. I will speak to her."

"Yes, Head Captain." The messenger rushed off. Yamamoto looked down at the message again. Neatly printed on the paper were two words: Sosuke Aizen.

"Hmm." Rei muttered. "Looks like I'm gonna talk to the Head Captain after all."

"That's good isn't it?"

"It's not good until I'm done talking to him." Rei replied.

Suddenly, a voice spoke. "Rei Asaka. What are you doing here?"

Rei spun around, then kneeled. "Captain Kuchiki!"




Byakuya sighed. "Yes, yes. Why have you come here, third seat Rei Asaka?"

Rei stood up. "In the World of the Living, while we were fighting the Hollows, I suddenly found that I couldn't draw out my zanpakuto, or summon my Quincy bow."

He blinked. "You couldn't use your zanpakuto? Or bow?"

"No. Then, the Adjuchas I was fighting mentioned something about a 'Lord'. I was wondering if it could have something to do---with the-----you know, the Arrancar. Especially after the infiltrating of Central 46. Perhaps they're connected in some way."

"So you're saying that Sosuke Aizen could be behind all this." Byakuya finished for her.

She bowed her head. "Yes, captain."

"Well, this could get very interesting. Very well, come with me."

"Yes sir."

"Lietenent Abarai, Rukia, Ichigo Kurosaki, come as well."

Bow, Arrow, and Sword (Bleach Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant