Chapter Eight: Ayame Asaka- the Truth

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Rei finally stopped at Sokyoku Hill, her chest heaving. How was it possible that Sosuke Aizen, evil maniac who waged war on the Soul Society and killed hundreds of Soul Reapers, souls, and Hollows, had the exact same eyes as her father? And how did he know her mother's name?

She knelt down, holding her head in her hands. Things were getting way too complicated for her liking.

"Yo." Someone said suddenly.

Rei jumped, her head shooting up, and saw Nakami looking down at her. "Oh, it's you."

"Me." He agreed. "Whatsup?"


"Whatever it is, it's definitely not 'nothing' if it's bothering you this much. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to; I just thought you'd feel better that way."

Rei sighed. "I went to talk to Aizen." she began.

"I know."

"I asked him some questions, he answered. Then he asked me how Ayame was doing."

"Who's Ayame?"

"My mother, the Quincy. She died."

Nakami frowned. "How would Aizen know about your mother?"

"I had a bad feeling, so I asked him to show me his eyes. His eyes are the exact same as my father's. The exact same."

He did a double take. "Aizen? And your father?" Then it clicked. "No way! But that's impossible!"

"That's exactly what I thought, too." Rei stood up. "How can I confirm it?"

Nakami still looked rather stunned. "Um, well, you could get a DNA test at the Department of Research and Development, but if it turns out that your suspicion was true, it wouldn't mean well for you."

"I know that, but I also need to know who my father really is. How do I get to the Department of Research and Development?"

He sighed. "If you're this determined, then I guess I'll just show you the way myself. Come on, or I'll leave you behind."

"Good luck with that."

"What?" Captain Kurotsuchi said, cupping his ear. "Say that again."

Rei bowed her head. "I'm requesting a favor from the Department."

"And what favor would that be?"

She bowed her head even lower, keeping her fingers crossed. "I'd like to have a DNA test, sir, comparing my DNA to that of Sosuke Aizen's."

Kurotsuchi grinned maniacally. "And why should I do that?"

"Please sir, I'm asking for your help, Captain."

Kurotsuchi sighed reluctantly. "Well, I suppose I have enough time for something as simple as that. Nemu!"

"Yes, master."

"Take a blood sample of Rei Asaka and compare it to Aizen's."

"Yes, master."

Rei winced as Nemu cut a tiny nick in her arm and collected the droplets of blood in a glass vial, before placing it inside some weird machine.

Kurotsuchi turned to Rei. "You'll get the results back tomorrow."

Rei beamed. "Thank you, Captain Kurotsuchi!"

"Well?" asked Nakami, who was waiting for her outside. "How'd it go?"

"He agreed to do the test. I'll know for sure tomorrow."

Bow, Arrow, and Sword (Bleach Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora